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Last active July 18, 2018 09:39
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Various linux commands for administrators, and for everyone
--- Connect to windows via rdesktop ---
> rdesktop -u administrador -g1500x800
--- Connect to linux via ssh ---
> ssh {user}@{ip or dns-name}
> ssh [email protected]
Here a prompt will appear and you must put the password
--- Mysql ---
> mysql -u root -p
> {Put password here}
Create User:
> CREATE USER 'gamadio'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '1123';
Then to enter being in terminal
> mysql -u {user} -p
> 1123
Grant privileges, from root
> GRANT all privileges ON TABLE {db.table} TO {user};
Borrar usuario:
> SELECT User FROM mysql.user;
> show grants for ‘{user}’@'localhost';
> drop user ‘{user}’@'localhost';
> drop user {user};
Show info of table
>SHOW CREATE TABLE `<yourtable>`;
Modificate Table
> ALTER TABLE <yourtable> ADD queued VARCHAR(3);
Actualizar valor de un campo
> UPDATE chatrooms SET queued="yes" WHERE roomname=”sinpass”;
--- Copy files via ssh to other machine (scp) ---
For example, file /Documentos/arch.html from local machine, to machine with ip and the user emilio.
We will copy in the same destination (must exist and emilio have permission to write)
> scp /Documentos/arch.html [email protected]:/Documentos
scp syntax: scp source_file_name username@destination_host:destination_folder
--- Varios ---
> tar xzf archivo.tar.gz (extraer)
> tar -czf new-file.tar.gz file1 file2 folder1 folder2 (crear)
> tar tvfz er.tar.gz | less (ver que hay adentro)
> mv archivo archivoQueNoExiste (renombrar)
> mv archivo carpetaDestino (copiar archivo)
> mv carpeta carpetaDestino (copiar carpeta)
> rm archivo (borrar)
> vi archivoQueNoExiste (crear archivo)
> pwd (nos muestra la ruta del directorio actual)
> ls -l (nos muestra archivos con permisos)
> ps afxu
--- RSYNC ---
Copy, syncronizing only differences
>rsync -avz --exclude "*~" --exclude archivo1 /home/gonzalo/proyecto1/ root@servidordestino:/opt/proyecto1/
>rsync -avz root@servidororigen:/home/{user}/development/proyecto1/ root@servidordestino:/opt/proyecto1/
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