- I find the "< Previous (Safety and Legal) | (Reinstalling pfSense ...) Next >" navigation is an effective way to provide a sense of scope to the page and communicate early on if more steps are to be expected or not. It is repeated at the bottom of the page content, which I find an easy way to be reminded that the next step may (or not) be relevant, and to get to it if deemed relevant.
- Providing instructions for multiple platforms: the page uses tabs to provide short alternatives by platform, and references a section of Client-specific examples for detailed instructions.
- Sphinx Tabs extension docs. Bonus: the tabs can be grouped for a tailored reading experience! I love that.
- How to include the page titles in the previous/next links
- An idea for customizing the previous/nex button targets (I can se this being useful for step-by-step how-to guides with multiple variants - e.g. 3 NIC Firewall or 4 NIC firewall.)
Example cover page for reference
- Out of the Box: I like the section name as a way to group Getting Started, some Initial Configuration, and some overview documents. I like that using that name allows to use "Getting Started" for a very focused and digestible section.
- On this page table of contents: short and sweet, set expectations immediately.
Example of step-by-step instructions for reference
- I find the use of the figure captions interesting. They feel like an integral part of the instructions but make clear they're illustrative examples only.
- Use of markup to highlight interactive elements (e.g. Click
). Better: the prefix:guilabel:
can be used to render buttons in the docs. 💡