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Last active September 19, 2023 11:29
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OpenObserve w/ WordPress

OpenObserve w/ WordPress

A dive into opentelemetry with OpenObserve a single binary that provides full stack observability.

This was a quick exploritory dive into this world, so things are a little less polished here, just wanted to get up and testing as quick as possible.

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 7 06 54 AM

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 7 13 39 AM

Deploy containers

Using K8s/k3s for this, just because it can be quick.

Stand up the services:

# MySQL 8 (I used mariadb here because I had trouble connecting from the other composer image we'll use in a minute, this works fine for rn)
kubectl run mysql8 --image=mariadb --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password" --port=3306
# Expose MySQL 8 to the cluster
kubectl create svc clusterip mysql8 --tcp=3306:3306

# Standup a container to build wordpress in (in hindsight, this would probably be easier to use the wp docker and add composer)
kubectl run --image=composer:2 -- wordpress tail -f /dev/null
# Expose that
kubectl create svc clusterip wordpress --tcp=80:80
# Create ingress
kubectl create ingress observe-wordpress\*=wordpress:80 # Note: (you want to edit the "pods/wordpress" to add a app= label [again, #mvp])

# Now spin up open observe
kubectl create namespace openobserve
kubectl apply -f
# Open ingress to that
k create ingress observe\*=openobserve:5080 # Note: ( you want to edit the "pods/observe-0" to add a app= label)

Build out wordpress

Next we want opentelemetry to start logging on wordpress, so we're going set it up and then have it start automatically collect traces

First, open a shell into the box

kubectl exec -it pods/wordpress -- bash

Then continue to setup the wordpress box

# We're going to compile some php extensions so we'll need these tools
apk add autoconf alpine-sdk tmux

# Next the php extensions
docker-php-ext-install pdo pod_mysql mysqli

# Next install opentelemetry php -> c extension from pecl
pecl install opentelemetry-1.0.0RC1

# Enable it
echo "" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/opentel.ini

# Now setup wordpress
cd wordpress

# Now setup composer with a composer.json like so
cat composer.json
    "name": "root/wordpress",
    "require": {
        "open-telemetry/opentelemetry-auto-wordpress": "dev-main",
        "open-telemetry/sdk": "^1.0@dev",
        "open-telemetry/exporter-otlp": "^1.0@dev",
        "php-http/guzzle7-adapter": "1.x-dev"
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "config": {
        "allow-plugins": {
            "php-http/discovery": false

# Install composer dependencies
composer install

# Instruct php to always autoload the opentelemetry
echo "auto_prepend_file=/app/wordpress/vendor/autoload.php" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/opentel.ini

# Then open a tmux session and start a temporary web server
  OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=otelwp \ # Replace w/ your service's preferred name
  OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS="Authorization=Basic __YOUR_AUTH_HERE__" \ # update this auth token
  OTEL_PROPAGATORS=baggage,tracecontext php -S

That's it for step one! You're up and running. Click around the wp site and teh wp-admin, you should start to see traces in the OpenObserve UI, with things like a GET request -> wp_connect() -> wp_query(), wp_request() like from this screenshot.


  • Trouble installing the php packages from composer? Opentel just released RC, so its stability is a bit degraded, for now you might need to run the following if you didn't copy and paste the composer.json setup from above.
composer config minimum-stability dev
  • Sometimes the php server sticks and locks up or HTTPS doesn't work well

    • Yeah, the php -S is great for what it is, but it doesn't handle these situations that well. Next guide will use a better WordPress docker image/php server.
  • Watch your php logs from the php -S command when clicking around wordpress pages, you should see errors. And/or ensure the observe logs are getting a 200 when traces are being posted by tailing the logs there with

kubectl logs pods/observe -f
  • Run a local non-http reporting server that will output traces in the console
# Log to console
    OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER=console \
    php -S
  • Create a test file to run at ad-hoc


namespace OpenTelemetry\Example;

use OpenTelemetry\API\Logs\EventLogger;
use OpenTelemetry\API\Logs\LogRecord;

# Uncomment or play around with as needed

echo 'autoloading SDK example starting...' . PHP_EOL;

// Composer autoloader will execute SDK/_autoload.php which will register global instrumentation from environment configuration
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/wordpress/vendor/autoload.php';

$instrumentation = new \OpenTelemetry\API\Instrumentation\CachedInstrumentation('demo');


$eventLogger = new EventLogger($instrumentation->logger(), 'my-domain');
$eventLogger->logEvent('foo', new LogRecord('hello, otel'));

echo 'Finished!' . PHP_EOL;

Then run php test.php


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