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Created April 30, 2015 22:47
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Move non-core drupal modules example
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d \
-not -iname "." \
-and -not -iname "aggregator" \
-and -not -iname "block" \
-and -not -iname "blog" \
-and -not -iname "book" \
-and -not -iname "color" \
-and -not -iname "comment" \
-and -not -iname "contact" \
-and -not -iname "contextual" \
-and -not -iname "dashboard" \
-and -not -iname "dblog" \
-and -not -iname "field" \
-and -not -iname "field_ui" \
-and -not -iname "file" \
-and -not -iname "filter" \
-and -not -iname "forum" \
-and -not -iname "help" \
-and -not -iname "image" \
-and -not -iname "locale" \
-and -not -iname "menu" \
-and -not -iname "node" \
-and -not -iname "openid" \
-and -not -iname "overlay" \
-and -not -iname "path" \
-and -not -iname "php" \
-and -not -iname "poll" \
-and -not -iname "profile" \
-and -not -iname "rdf" \
-and -not -iname "search" \
-and -not -iname "shortcut" \
-and -not -iname "simpletest" \
-and -not -iname "statistics" \
-and -not -iname "syslog" \
-and -not -iname "system" \
-and -not -iname "taxonomy" \
-and -not -iname "toolbar" \
-and -not -iname "tracker" \
-and -not -iname "translation" \
-and -not -iname "trigger" \
-and -not -iname "update" \
-and -not -iname "user" \
-printf 'Moving %f\n' \
-exec mv -t ./../sites/all/modules/ {} \+
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