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Removes duplicate alert logs from the alert logs list in TradingView
// find all the alert logs 'div' elements that contain the text. e.g. 'BTCUSDTPERP, 15 Crossing Horizontal Line'
const listSelector = ".widgetbar-widget-alerts_log > div:nth-child(2) .message-_BiOF1cO";
// get all the alert logs 'div' elements as an array of objects. sort them by 'pair' name.
// e.g.
// { i: 0, textContent: "BTCUSDTPERP, 15 Crossing Horizontal Line", pair: "BTCUSDTPERP" }
var arr = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(listSelector))
.map((a, i) => ({
textContent: a.textContent,
pair: a.textContent.split(" ")[0].replace(",", ""),
.sort((a, b) => a.pair > b.pair);
// find in 'arr' array elements duplicated by the 'pair' key. keep those that are duplicated. i.e. remove the first one and keep the others
const findDuplicates = (arr) => {
const result = [];
const map = new Map();
for (const item of arr) {
if (map.has(item.pair)) {
} else {
map.set(item.pair, true);
return result;
// get duplicate elements - RUN THIS before trying to delete the alert logs
findDuplicates(arr).map((item) => document.querySelectorAll(listSelector)[item.i]);
// click on duplicate elements (x) icon to remove them
findDuplicates(arr).forEach((item) =>
() => document.querySelectorAll(listSelector)[item.i].parentElement.querySelector('[role="button"]').click(),
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