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Forked from Steve-Tech/
Created August 22, 2020 01:24
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Python Telstra Air Connector
import requests
import re
session = requests.Session()
# This isn't your Telstra ID but rather the Fon credentials found in the Telstra Air app, you can also find this in the network tab of inspect element when logging in normally.
anid = "[email protected]"
anidpassword = ""
try: login = re.findall(r'<LoginURL>(.*)</LoginURL>', session.get("").text)[0] # Get the Telstra Air login URL
except IndexError: print("Already Connected"); exit()
# Get the required parameters to login
nasid = re.findall(r'nasid=(.*)&amp;',login)[0]
ipaddr = re.findall(r'uamip=(.*)&amp;',login)[0]
port = re.findall(r'uamport=(.*)&amp;',login)[0]
macaddr = re.findall(r'mac=(.*)&amp;',login)[0]
challenge = re.findall(r'challenge=(.*)&amp;',login)[0]
print(login, nasid, ipaddr, port, macaddr, challenge)
print("Attempting to Connect")
# Put the required parameters into the login URL
loginURL = f"{nasid}&uamip={ipaddr}&uamport={port}&mac={macaddr}&challenge={challenge}&ANID={anid}&ANIDPASSWORD={anidpassword}"
loggingIn = session.get(loginURL)
try: print("Error:", re.findall(r'<div class="error">.*\n.*<span>(.*)</span>', loggingIn.text)[0])
except IndexError: pass
if loggingIn.text.find("You&#39;re connected!") and re.findall(r'<LogoffURL>(.*)</LogoffURL>', loggingIn.text):
print("You're connected!")
print("LogoffURL:", re.findall(r'<LogoffURL>(.*)</LogoffURL>', loggingIn.text)[0])
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