Download the NeverWare's ChromeOS build from http://www.neverware.com/freedownload
Extract the *.bin.zip
Convert it to VDI.
vboxmanage convertdd chromiumos_image.bin chromiumos_image.vdi
mv chromiumis_image.vdi C:\t\v\chromeos\
Create a VM with settings:
- Guest OS type: Linux/Other Linux
- 2048 RAM
- Use existing chromiumos_image.vdi as hard disk
- Enable EFI (special OSes)
- Enable PAE/NX
- change pointing device to PS/2 Mouse
- Start the VM
I have found version 78.4.3 bin file and convert it to VDI
when i start th VM ( virtualbox under opensuse i get a black screen after a short message "virtualbox)
I have try to change order on boot ==> ko
I have try to set /unset parameter like PAE/NX PS2 for mouse .. but KO