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Last active December 23, 2024 11:24
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educational purpouses: describe how autoregistration works
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright note:
# ---------------
# This script is a modification from:
# written by gleb@irc#zabbix
# The script will connect to the zabbix server trapper port (default: 10051)
# in order to retrieve the list of active checks. But zabbix, behind the scenes
# will also fire an autoregistration event if the conditions are met.
# For more information please take a look at:
# Despite that we are asking for active checks in the request, we want to
# fire the auto-registration event. That's the main idea of this script.
# Zabbix is expecting something like: <HEADER><DATALEN><DATA> where:
# <HEADER> := ZBXD\x01
# <DATALEN> := <little-endian-64bit-hex-value>
# <DATA> := <json-object-defining-the-request>
# Asciially:
# +---+---+---+---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+-----------------+
# | Z | B | X | D | 01 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | ............... |
# +---+---+---+---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+-----------------+
# \____________________/\______________________________________/\________________/
# HEADER (5 bytes) DATALEN (8 bytes) DATA (max: 128MB)
# <DATALEN> must be the lenght of the <DATA> segment as 64bit HEX little endian byte order.
if [[ $# -lt 2 || $# -gt 3 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 { <zabbix-host-name> <zabbix-server> } [ <zabbix-trapper-port> ]"
exit 1
# The hostname we are trying to mock auto-registration
# Zabbix server host/ip
# Zabbix server trapper port (defaults to 10051)
# <HEADER> value as explained above
# <DATA> content as explained above.
# We don't check for ZBX_HOST to be empty. Either way if wrong or empty
# the request will be OK, but no information may be displayed.
DATA="{\"request\": \"active checks\", \"host\": \"${ZBX_HOST}\"}"
# <DATALEN> as explained above.
# Create 64bit HEX little endian value equals to the size in bytes of DATA
DATALEN=$(printf '%016x' "${#DATA}" | \
awk '{ r=""; for( i=length($0)-1; i > 0; i=i-2) r=r "\\x" substr($0, i, 2); print r}')
# Awesome work by gleb:
# Create connection
exec 3<>/dev/tcp/$ZBX_SERVER/$ZBX_TRAPPER_PORT
# Print to file descriptor 3. That was created in the above line.
printf "%b%b%s" "${HEADER}" "${DATALEN}" "${DATA}" >&3
# output the result skipping 5 bytes of "ZBXD\\1" header and 8 bytes of message length
RESPONSE=$(tail -c+13 <&3)
# If python is installed and python version supports/has json module make it human-readable
$(python -c "import json" 2> /dev/null) && echo ${RESPONSE} | python -mjson.tool
# If no python or json module exists...
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# just print the response
echo ${RESPONSE}
# Closes file descriptor
exec 3>&-
exec 3<&-
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