On The Problem of one's genuine effort to sit at the middle of the spectrum between the extremes of Praise and Criticism
The first appearance within or, emergence at the surface of one's consciousness is that of the nondeniable physiological chain-of-events arising from somewhat inherently social and behavioral aspects of us mammals. It would appear to me at, in terms of evolutionary psychology, we mammals as standing within an imaginary wenn diagram intersecting human-beings in terms of Aristotelian or Kantian qualities, have within our biological systems emitters and receptors of substances such as enzymes, hormones and so on which at varying levels of mixture, vulgarly speaking, brings us at an extreme case to sense physiological patterns which are uniquely identifyable to each of one of us and impervious to external prediction in terms, say, of "sentiment analysis", eye tracking and other schemes of marketing tools which seem to be progressively abused as though weapons wielded by those who appa