Goals: Add links that are reasonable and good explanations of how stuff works. No hype and no vendor content if possible. Practical first-hand accounts of models in prod eagerly sought.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// ABOUT: A unity Shader .cginc to draw numbers in the fragment shader | |
// AUTHOR: Freya Holmér | |
// LICENSE: Use for whatever, commercial or otherwise! | |
// Don't hold me liable for issues though | |
// But pls credit me if it works super well <3 | |
// LIMITATIONS: There's some precision loss beyond 3 decimal places | |
// CONTRIBUTORS: yes please! if you know a more precise way to get | |
// decimal digits then pls lemme know! | |
// GetDecimalSymbolAt() could use some more love/precision |
You also might wanna just use Whisky which does this automatically
This guide works on macOS 13.4+ using Command Line Tools for XCode 15 Beta!
In the recent WWDC, Apple announced and released the "game porting toolkit", which upon further inspection this is just a modified version of CrossOver's fork of wine which is a "compatibility layer" that allows you to run Windows applications on macOS and Linux.
Ok, so you've had nix (home-manager) working fine. Then Apple tells you it's time to update.
Ok. Reboot. Oops. It has now broken your Nix setup. Here's some stuff to work through. YMMV.
Note: This is what worked for me, who was just using nix + home-manager. The upgrade that I last did that caused all these issues was 12.3.X > 12.4
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# | |
# Reads AirTag data from the FindMy.app cache and converts it to a daily GPX file | |
# | |
# Rsyncs the data to a web accessible folder that can be displayed with e.g. | |
# https://gist.github.com/henrik242/84ad80dd2170385fe819df1d40224cc4 | |
# | |
# This should typically be run as a cron job | |
# |
Swift’s type system supports a number of different ways of taking a function or type and abstracting it. Usually, this is done by adding a generic parameter and an associated set of constraints. Similarly, a function that takes a particular type of argument can be abstracted to any number of those arguments by making it variadic with triple-dot (...) syntax. Today, both of these features are permitted separately: you can define a generic function that takes a variable number of arguments, such as
func debugPrint<T>(_ items: T...)
where T: CustomDebugStringConvertible
for (item: T) in items {
\documentclass[border=5pt]{standalone} | |
\usepackage{tikz} | |
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, calc, chains, positioning} | |
\begin{document} | |
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 4mm and 0mm, | |
box/.style = {shape=rectangle, draw, minimum size=2em, outer sep=0pt, on chain=#1}, | |
sum/.style = {shape=circle, draw, inner sep=0pt, node contents={$+$}}, | |
every path/.append style = {-latex'} |
/* | |
* m1racle-poc: a basic proof of concept for the M1RACLES vulnerability in the Apple M1. | |
* | |
* This program allows you to read and write the state of the s3_5_c15_c10_1 CPU register. | |
* | |
* Please visit m1racles.com for more information. | |
* | |
* Licensed under the MIT license. | |
*/ |