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todbot /
Last active October 26, 2024 17:28
Demonstrate new synthio.Synthesizer as wavetable MIDI synth in CircuitPython
# -- Demonstrate new synthio.Synthesizer as wavetable MIDI synth
# 15 Apr 2023 - @todbot / Tod Kurt
# video demo:
# Hooked up to generic I2S DAC
# Uses two pots:
# knobA - selects the base wave
# knobB - selects the mix between base wave and next wave
oliveratgithub / emojis.json
Last active December 15, 2024 10:11
Emoji-list with emojis, names, shortcodes, unicode and html entities [massive list]
"emojis": [
{"emoji": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👧", "name": "family: woman, woman, girl, girl", "shortname": ":woman_woman_girl_girl:", "unicode": "1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467", "html": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👧", "category": "People & Body (family)", "order": ""},
{"emoji": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦", "name": "family: woman, woman, girl, boy", "shortname": ":woman_woman_girl_boy:", "unicode": "1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F466", "html": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦", "category": "People & Body (family)", "order": ""},
{"emoji": "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦", "name": "family: woman, woman, boy, boy", "shortname": ":woman_woman_boy_boy:", "unicode": "1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F466 200D 1F466", "html": "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦", "category": "People & Body (family)", "order": ""},
{"emoji": "👨‍👩‍👧‍👧", "name": "family: man, woman, girl, girl", "shortname": ":man_woman_girl_girl:", "unicode": "1F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467", "html": "👨‍👩&z
kriegsman / fadeTowardColor.ino
Created December 11, 2016 22:44
A function for fading one RGB color toward a target RGB color
#include <FastLED.h>
// fadeTowardColor example code.
// Sample code that includes a function for fading one RGB color toward a target RGB color
// Also includes a function for fading a whole array of pixels toward a given color
// Both of these functions _modify_ the existing color, in place.
// All fades are done in RGB color space.
SeeJayDee / tiny_IRremote.cpp
Last active June 24, 2024 03:36
tiny_IRremote - Arduino IRremote ported to the ATtiny
* tiny_IRremote
* Version 0.2 July, 2016
* Christian D'Abrera
* Fixed what was originally rather broken code from
* ...itself based on work by Ken Shirriff.
* This code was tested for both sending and receiving IR on an ATtiny85 DIP-8 chip.
* IMPORTANT: IRsend only works from PB4 ("pin 4" according to Arduino). You will need to
* determine which physical pin this corresponds to for your chip, and connect your transmitter
rxaviers / gist:7360908
Last active December 21, 2024 23:56
Complete list of github markdown emoji markup


:bowtie: :bowtie: 😄 :smile: 😆 :laughing:
😊 :blush: 😃 :smiley: ☺️ :relaxed:
😏 :smirk: 😍 :heart_eyes: 😘 :kissing_heart:
😚 :kissing_closed_eyes: 😳 :flushed: 😌 :relieved:
😆 :satisfied: 😁 :grin: 😉 :wink:
😜 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 😝 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 😀 :grinning:
😗 :kissing: 😙 :kissing_smiling_eyes: 😛 :stuck_out_tongue:
paulirish / rAF.js
Last active November 20, 2024 13:00
requestAnimationFrame polyfill
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// MIT license
(function() {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
rkh / chat.rb
Created December 14, 2011 12:55
Simple Chat Application using the Sinatra Streaming API
# coding: utf-8
require 'sinatra'
set server: 'thin', connections: []
get '/' do
halt erb(:login) unless params[:user]
erb :chat, locals: { user: params[:user].gsub(/\W/, '') }
get '/stream', provides: 'text/event-stream' do
// I2C library using USI hardware support
// Kenneth Finnegan, 2010
// Heavily based on Atmel application note AVR310
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
//#define PARAM_VERIFY
snipsnipsnip / drypin_attiny2313.h
Last active August 24, 2019 15:52
DRY bit manipulation macros (for attiny2313)
/* ピン番号とポートの名前の対応 (ATTiny2313) */
1 20
2 19
3 18
4 17
2010 - Josh Ashby
[email protected]
freenode - JoshAshby
Simple little program for the ATINY45 that will read the ADC on PB4 and write that value to PWM on PB0