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Last active November 20, 2024 09:15
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import java.util.Objects;
* It's a growable ring buffer that allows to move tail/head sequences, clear, append, set/replace at specific positions.
final class ArrayRingBuffer<T> {
private static final Object[] EMPTY = new Object[0];
// it points to the next slot after the last element
private int tailSequence;
// it points to the slot of the first element
private int headSequence;
private T[] elements;
private int size;
public ArrayRingBuffer() {
this(0, 0);
public ArrayRingBuffer(final int headSequence) {
this(0, headSequence);
public ArrayRingBuffer(final int initialSize, final int headSequence) {
this.elements = allocate(initialSize);
this.headSequence = headSequence;
this.tailSequence = headSequence;
if (headSequence < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("headSequence cannot be negative");
size = 0;
public int usedCapacity() {
return tailSequence - headSequence;
public int size() {
return size;
public int availableCapacityWithoutResizing() {
return elements.length - usedCapacity();
int bufferOffset(final long index) {
return bufferOffset(index, elements.length);
private static int bufferOffset(final long index, final int elementsLength) {
return (int) (index & (elementsLength - 1));
public T get(final int index) {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index cannot be negative");
if (index >= headSequence && index < tailSequence) {
return elements[bufferOffset(index)];
return null;
public T put(final int index, final T e) {
if (index < headSequence) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index cannot be less then " + headSequence);
if (index < tailSequence) {
final int offset = bufferOffset(index);
final T oldValue = elements[offset];
elements[offset] = e;
if (oldValue == null) {
return oldValue;
final int requiredCapacity = (index - tailSequence) + 1;
final int missingCapacity = requiredCapacity - availableCapacityWithoutResizing();
if (missingCapacity > 0) {
assert elements[bufferOffset(index)] == null;
elements[bufferOffset(index)] = e;
if (index >= tailSequence) {
tailSequence = index + 1;
return null;
public T remove(int index) {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index cannot be negative");
if (index < headSequence || index >= tailSequence) {
return null;
final T[] elements = this.elements;
final int offset = bufferOffset(index);
final T e = elements[offset];
elements[offset] = null;
if (e != null) {
if (index == headSequence) {
int toRemove = 1;
for (int sequence = headSequence + 1; sequence < tailSequence; sequence++) {
if (elements[bufferOffset(sequence)] != null) {
headSequence += toRemove;
return e;
private void growCapacity(int delta) {
assert delta > 0;
final T[] oldElements = this.elements;
final int newCapacity = findNextPositivePowerOfTwo(oldElements.length + delta);
if (newCapacity < 0) {
// see ArrayList::newCapacity
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
final T[] newElements = allocate(newCapacity);
final int usedCapacity = usedCapacity();
final long headSequence = this.headSequence;
long oldIndex = headSequence;
long newIndex = headSequence;
int remaining = usedCapacity;
while (remaining > 0) {
final int fromOldIndex = bufferOffset(oldIndex, oldElements.length);
final int fromNewIndex = bufferOffset(newIndex, newCapacity);
final int toOldEnd = oldElements.length - fromOldIndex;
final int toNewEnd = newElements.length - fromNewIndex;
final int bytesToCopy = Math.min(Math.min(remaining, toOldEnd), toNewEnd);
System.arraycopy(oldElements, fromOldIndex, newElements, fromNewIndex, bytesToCopy);
oldIndex += bytesToCopy;
newIndex += bytesToCopy;
remaining -= bytesToCopy;
this.elements = newElements;
private static int findNextPositivePowerOfTwo(final int value) {
return 1 << (Integer.SIZE - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(value - 1));
private static <T> T[] allocate(int capacity) {
return (T[]) (capacity == 0? EMPTY : new Object[capacity]);
public ReadonlyCursor cursor() {
return new ReadonlyCursor();
public class ReadonlyCursor {
private int next = headSequence;
public T next() {
final T[] elements = ArrayRingBuffer.this.elements;
if (next >= tailSequence) {
return null;
for (int next =; next < tailSequence; next++) {
T e = elements[bufferOffset(next)];
if (e != null) {
// point this to the next past to this element = next + 1;
return e;
// let's point this to the tailSequence since there's nothing left and we speed up the next call to cursor
next = tailSequence;
return null;
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