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Created October 28, 2014 17:01
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IsNotFuture - Scala
trait IsNotFuture[F] {
type T
def apply(f: F): T
object IsNotFuture {
def apply[F](implicit isf: IsNotFuture[F]) = isf
implicit def mkFuture[A] = new IsNotFuture[Future[A]] {
type T = Int // Doesn't matter
def apply(f: Future[A]): T = 0
implicit def mk[A] = new IsNotFuture[A] {
type T = A
def apply(f: A): A = f
// Alternatively, you could synchronize all futures...
// implicit def mkFuture[A] = new IsNotFuture[Future[A]] {
// type T = A
// def apply(f: Future[A]): A = Await.result(f, 1 seconds)
// }
// Here's my use case - don't want fn to leak a Future that keeps using the session after cleanup
def inSession[T](fn: (Session) => T)(implicit isNotFuture: IsNotFuture[T]): isNotFuture.T = {
isNotFuture(db withSession fn)
// Compiler fails as desired
inSession { session => Future(1) }
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You don't need the dependent type. See here:

Otherwise, good use of implicit divergence.

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