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Last active January 4, 2025 10:32
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Table of unicode operators in scalaz 6.0.x
Symbol Code Ascii Example
η 951 pure 1.η[List]
μ 03BC join List(List(1,2,3), nil, List(5,6,7)) μ
2205 zero ∅[Int]
<∅> empty <∅>[Option, Int]
2219 contramap ((_:String).length ∙ (_:Int).toString ∙ ((_:Int) + 6))(5)
2218 map (((_:Int) + 6) ∘ (_:Int).toString ∘ (_:String).length)(5)
∘∘ map2 (List(Some(7), None, Some(8)) ∘∘ (1 + (_: Int)))
2606 kleisli val k = ☆((n: List[Int]) => if(n.isEmpty) None else Some(n ∘ (_.shows.reverse)))
2605 cokleisli val sum = ★((m: NonEmptyList[Int]) => m.sum)
σ 963 dual "1".σ ⊹ "2".σ
229B |@| (List(1,2) ⊛ List(3,4)){_ + _}
2203 any List(1,2,3) ∃ (_ < 2)
2200 all List(1,2,3) ∀ (_ > 0)
21A6 traverse List(1,2,3) ↦ (_.some)
ʐ 0290 zip Stream(1,2,3).ʐ
22D9 >>> (((_:Int) + 5) &&& ((_:Int) * 2)) ⋙ { case(x,y) => x + y }
22D8 <<< ((_:String).toInt) ⋘ ((_:Int).toString)
22A5 undefined lazy val error = ⊥
2217 flatMap some(6) ∗ {case x => some(x+1)}
π 03C0 val radians = ((_:Int) * π / 180, (_:Int) * 360 / π2)
× 00D7 ×[Int,Int](5)
8889 ‌|+‌| some(1) ⊹ none
220f multiplication (7 ∏) ⊹ (8 ∏)
8799 === "" ≟ 5
8800 /== "" ≠ 5
220B contains List(1,2,3) ∋ 3
2208 contains 50 ∈: Stream.range(0, 100)
2227 AND true ∧ false
2228 OR true ∨ true
22BD NOR false ⊽ true
22BC NAND false ⊼ false
2192 Conditional true → true
21D0 Inverse Conditional false ⇐ true
21CF Negational of Conditional false ⇏ true
21CD Negation of Inverse Conditional false ⇍ true
21D2 => .map { case(x,y) ⇒ x * y }
2190 <- for { x ← res2 } yield (x*x)
2192 -> List(1 → 2, 2 → 3, 3 → 4)
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