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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Proposal for Memberwise Initializers with Optional Arguments and Default Values
Memberwise Initializers with Optional Arguments and Default Values
This playground explains a proposal to enhance the use of the great
feature; member variables. To extend the possibilities of the Swift
language and still keep it simple enough to understand.
Member initializers are a great addition, and helps scaffolding
structures, without doing initial boilerplate code. It works well,
but there's some differences when it comes to Optional types and
default values.
I do have in mind, that the design of member initializers have
been put into great thought, and should still be as is—to some extent.
import UIKit
/* As it works now, creating a struct without
* an implicit initializer, will give use a memberwise
* initializer - convinient */
struct FooStruct {
var width: CGFloat
var height: CGFloat
var myRect: FooStruct = FooStruct(width: 150.0, height: 150.0)
/* We can also give default values */
struct BarStruct {
var red: Double = 255.0
var green: Double = 155.0
var blue: Double = 128.0
var alpha: Double = 1.0
var leColor: BarStruct = BarStruct()
/* However, here is where it becomes a bit strange as we already
* set default values, but it is still required to pass the arguments */
// var colors: BarStruct = BarStruct(blue: 0.0, alpha: 0.1) // Requires all arguments to be set
/* This would require us to declare implicit initializers
* even though the passing arguments should be of same
* structure.
* Even further, we can declare variables that uses ? and !
* This could be for specifying a specific set of values
* that later could be merged to become one without heavy
* validation */
struct BrushStyle {
var color: UIColor? = UIColor.blackColor()
var width: Double? = nil
var intensity: Double? = nil
var opacity: Double? = nil
var pattern: UIImage? = nil
// var fineBrush: BrushStyle = BrushStyle(width: 0.05, intensity: 1.0) // Requires arguments to be set - even to nil!
var whatBrush: BrushStyle = BrushStyle(color: nil, width: 2.0, intensity: 9.5, opacity: 1.0, pattern: nil)
/* In this case, it would make sense to allow the initializer
* to pass the default values.
* This is how the memberwise initializer could
* look like under the hood. */
struct MyStyle {
var backgroundColor: UIColor? = nil
var textColor: UIColor? = nil
var font: UIFont? = nil
var tintColor: UIColor? = nil
var borderStyle: UITextBorderStyle? = nil
init(backgroundColor: UIColor? = nil,
textColor: UIColor? = nil,
font: UIFont? = nil,
tintColor: UIColor? = nil,
borderStyle: UITextBorderStyle? = nil) {
self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
self.textColor = textColor
self.font = font
self.tintColor = tintColor
self.borderStyle = borderStyle
let foo = MyStyle(backgroundColor: UIColor.redColor())
let bar = MyStyle(textColor: UIColor.whiteColor(), borderStyle: .Bezel)
/* Allowing the `optional` keyword for variables could
* also be an option, as it wouldn't break the current behaviour
* and also makes it clear which variables are optional to pass
* and which aren't */
/*/ struct Item {
var level: Int
optional var durability: Float = 1.0
optional var damage: Float = 0.0
optional var attacksPerSecond: Float = 2.0
optional var damagePerSecond: Float? = nil
optional var requiredLevel: Int? = nil
} /*/
/* Using the `optional` would allow for an initializer, that doesn't
* require all arguments to be implicitly set */
// var crossbow: Item = Item(level: 1, durability: 1.0) // {1, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, nil, nil}
/* Classes could be used, but that would come down to Value and Reference Types,
* as we don't always want to use references for small constructors, that could or
* should be independent. */
/* This method allows us to use Value Types, keeping the memberwise initializers
* and not requiring arguments, even though their default value has been defined,
* which adds complexity—or a lot of bloat—to initializers. */
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pyrtsa commented Jan 9, 2015

I don't think the feature is big enough to justify the added syntax. Here's how I'd do it with the existing language:

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fnky commented Jan 9, 2015

@pyrtsa I see the idea in your example, however I don't quite like the approach of defining initializers, if all arguments should be the same anyway.

I agree with you, that the added syntax with using optional might be too much. But I also don't quite understand why it is required to pass arguments, if you're not going to change their default values anyway.

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