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Created June 25, 2014 20:26
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FNA Save Migration Code Pile
/* This is a snippet of code from the FNA version of Rogue Legacy.
* A recent FNA update fixed Storage accuracy, affecting save locations:
* As a result, games like Rogue Legacy now need a migration process.
* This is the first one I've written, and I'm posting it here for when
* I take care of the rest of my affected ports.
* -flibit
using System;
using System.IO;
using SDL2;
namespace RogueCastle
static class Program
static string GetOSDir()
string platform = SDL.SDL_GetPlatform();
if (platform.Equals("Mac OS X"))
string osDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(osDir))
return "."; // Oh well.
return osDir + "/Library/Application Support";
if (platform.Equals("Linux"))
string osDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("XDG_DATA_HOME");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(osDir))
osDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(osDir))
return "."; // Oh well.
return osDir + "/.local/share";
return osDir;
throw new Exception("SDL2 Platform?");
static void CopyDirectory(string oldPath, string newPath)
System.Console.WriteLine("Copying directory " + oldPath + " to " + newPath + "...");
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(oldPath);
DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dir.GetDirectories();
FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles();
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
System.Console.Write("\tCopying file " + file.Name + "...");
file.CopyTo(Path.Combine(newPath, file.Name), false);
System.Console.WriteLine(" Done!");
foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dirs)
CopyDirectory(subdir.FullName, Path.Combine(newPath, subdir.Name));
static void MigrateSaveData()
string newSaveDir = Path.Combine(GetOSDir(), "RogueLegacy");
string oldSaveDir = Path.Combine(GetOSDir(), "RogueLegacyStorageContainer");
if (!Directory.Exists(newSaveDir) && Directory.Exists(oldSaveDir))
System.Console.WriteLine("Performing save migration...");
System.Console.Write("Creating new base directories...");
newSaveDir = Path.Combine(newSaveDir, "RogueLegacyStorageContainer");
newSaveDir = Path.Combine(newSaveDir, "AllPlayers");
System.Console.WriteLine(" Done!");
CopyDirectory(oldSaveDir, newSaveDir);
System.Console.WriteLine("Migration complete!");
} catch (Exception e)
"Save migration failed!\n" +
"Your files are safe, they're just not in the right place yet...",
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