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Last active January 1, 2025 17:02
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GLon12 Instructions


Build Instructions

Latest tested commit: b723962418cee94070997fd8c15548dfeebf88ee

  1. Open Git Bash
  2. In any directory you like: git clone; mkdir mesa/flibitBuild
  3. Close Git Bash
  4. Extract contents of Win flex-bison to a conveniently-located folder, add said folder to $PATH
  5. Open an appropriate Developer Command Prompt
    • For PC: x64 VS Developer Command Prompt
    • For console: Xbox One Gaming Command Prompt or Scarlett Gaming Command Prompt
  6. py -m pip install mako
  7. cd to mesa/flibitBuild/ folder

For PC...

  1. meson .. -Dgallium-drivers=d3d12 -Dgallium-d3d12-video=disabled -Dzlib=disabled --backend=vs
  2. msbuild mesa.sln /m (or build with Visual Studio)

For console...

  1. Write this to a file called gdkx.txt:
system = 'Gaming.Xbox.XboxOne.x64'
cpu_family = 'x86_64'
cpu = 'x86_64'
endian = 'little'

Pay very close attention to the system property! Adjust this if you are building for Scarlett!

  1. meson .. -Dgallium-drivers=d3d12 -Dgallium-d3d12-video=disabled -Dzlib=disabled -Dc_winlibs=[] -Dcpp_winlibs=[] --backend vs --cross-file gdkx.txt
  2. Build flibitBuild/mesa.sln with Visual Studio

Final Packaging

These are the files you want to make the full D3D12 driver:

  • mesa/flibitBuild/src/gallium/targets/libgl-gdi/opengl32.dll
  • mesa/flibitBuild/src/gallium/targets/wgl/libgallium_wgl.dll
  • PC Only: dxcompiler.dll and dxil.dll, from the DXC release you downloaded



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