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Created September 29, 2021 16:33
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DataWedge session decryption
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
from Crypto.Hash import SHA1
from hexdump import hexdump
def sha1(data):
def des3_encrypt_cbc(key, iv, data):
crypto =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv)
return crypto.encrypt(data)
def des3_decrypt_cbc(key, iv, data):
crypto =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv)
return crypto.decrypt(data)
def xor_bytes(s1, s2):
return bytes(a ^ b for (a, b) in zip(s1, s2))
def trim_pad(s):
if not s:
return b''
c = s[-1]
pad = bytearray([c] * c)
return s[:-c] if s.endswith(pad) else s
in_data = bytes.fromhex('991136E3E3BD0F873B4A564E37385BF5')
seed = bytes.fromhex('31437400CA26B505CBAC727F2DE59657408E9F0F193F6360EB59187BF67568FA')
iv = bytes.fromhex('31437400CA26B505')
h = sha1(seed).ljust(64, b'\0')
a = xor_bytes(h, b'\x36' * 64)
b = xor_bytes(h, b'\x5C' * 64)
key = sha1(a) + sha1(b)[:4]
out_data = trim_pad(des3_decrypt_cbc(key, iv, in_data))
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