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Last active November 9, 2019 16:39
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Example Project Content Structure

|-- addons
|   |-- auto_lod
|   |   |-- art
|   |   |-- core
|   |   |-- binaries
|   |-- spring_arm
|-- generic_shooter
|   |-- art
|   |   |-- industrial
|   |   |   |-- ambient
|   |   |-- nature
|   |   |   |-- ambient
|   |   |   |-- foliage
|   |   |   |-- rocks
|   |   |   |-- trees
|   |   |-- machinery
|   |   |   |-- pipes
|   |   |-- office
|   |-- characters
|   |   |-- bob
|   |   |-- common
|   |   |   |-- animations
|   |   |-- audio
|   |   |-- jack
|   |   |-- steve
|   |   |-- zoe
|   |-- core
|   |   |-- characters
|   |   |-- engine
|   |   |-- game_modes
|   |   |-- interactables
|   |   |-- pickups
|   |   |-- weapons
|   |-- effects
|   |   |-- electrical
|   |   |-- fire
|   |   |-- weather
|   |-- scenes
|   |   |-- campaign_1
|   |   |-- campaign_2
|   |-- material_library
|   |   |-- debug
|   |   |-- metal
|   |   |-- paint
|   |   |-- utility
|   |   |-- weathering
|   |-- placeables
|   |   |-- pickups
|   |-- weapons
|   |   |-- common
|   |   |-- pistols
|   |   |   |-- desert_eagle
|   |   |   |-- rocket_pistol
|   |   |-- rifles


Adapted Unreal Engine's standard guide.

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