Robin Böhm, Philipp Tarasiewicz
AngularJS: Overview, Best Practices and Pitfalls
Twitter (Robin, @roobijn)
Twitter (Philipp, @justphilmusic)
Christian Schaefer
HTTP/2: Die Zukunft beginnt jetzt.
Twitter (@derSchepp)
Sebastian Golasch
All your Browsers are belong to us
Slides, Code Examples
Twitter (@asciidisco)
Lena Reinhard, Ola Gasidlo
Coding the dream: Getting started with Hoodie, Offline First and noBackend
Twitter (Lena, @misprintedtype)
Twitter (Ola, @ffffux)
Twitter (@hoodiehq)
Christoph Neuroth
Property-based Testing: Another nail in TDD's coffin?
Jens Arps
Create a 3D WebGL scene in half an hour!
Code Examples
Twitter (@jensarps)
I'll update this doc during the day.