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Last active July 15, 2016 02:39
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  • Save ferventcoder/7c259f0a615b17399da7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ferventcoder/7c259f0a615b17399da7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
3.6.0 commits JIRA curl jira api
git log 3.5.1...HEAD --pretty=format:"%h %s [%an (%ae)]" --no-merges > git.commits.txt
#| grep -v -e "(maint)" -e "(Maint)"
cat git.commits.txt | pbcopy
curl --output "jira.issues.txt" --silent -H "Content-Type: application/json",summary
# brew install jq
cat jira.issues.txt | jq '.issues[].key' >jiraissues.txt
ruby ticketmatch.rb
# This script mangles the output from git log between two git references
# and matches this with a list of tickets from Jira.
# The List from Jira can be obtained by showing the list of issues for a release
# i.e. a query like this for the given release which gets all targeting the
# release in question:
# curl --output "jira.issues.txt" --silent -H "Content-Type: application/json",summary
# # brew install jq
# cat jira.issues.txt | jq '.issues[].key' >jiraissues.txt
# Then change the from and to in this script to the tags you want to
# compare
# You must cd to the puppet git repo for this to work, and place
# the extra files there as well.
from = "3.5.1"
to = "HEAD"
# Get the log from git
# process and store in a hash per user entered ticket reference
result = {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
a = %x{git log --no-merges --pretty=format:"%h %s [%an (%ae)]" --no-merges #{from}..#{to}}
a.each_line do |line|
m = line.match(/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(\([^\)]*\))?(.*)$/)
result[(m[2] || 'unmarked').upcase] << [m[1], m[3]]
# Process file with Jira issues
jiratext ='jiraissues.txt')
known_issues = jiratext.each_line.reduce({}) {|memo, line| memo["(#{line.chomp.gsub(/\"/, '')})"] = true; memo }
# Print list of ssues sorted, for each show sha + comment after reference
result.keys.sort.each do |k|
if known_issues[k]
marker = '--'
known_issues[k] = :in_git
marker = '**'
puts "#{marker} #{k.upcase}"
v = result[k]
v.each do | data |
puts " #{data[0]} #{data[1]}"
puts "---"
puts {|k,v| v != :in_git }.keys.join("\n")
** (#FORGE-38)
c443433 Add Rakefile to skeleton for generated modules [Garrett Honeycutt ([email protected])]
** (#PUP-1046)
265290b Add spec test for skeleton for generated modules [Garrett Honeycutt ([email protected])]
** (DOC-550)
43e1f57 Fix typo in augeas type [Nick Fagerlund ([email protected])]
** (DOC-565)
396ef44 Improve description of package type's package_settings property [Nick Fagerlund ([email protected])]
** (DOC-698)
fdf72f7 Revise doc text for modulepath, environmentpath, and friends [Nick Fagerlund ([email protected])]
** (DOCUMENT-22)
bc58150 Clarify the cron properties user and target [Charlie Sharpsteen ([email protected])]
** (MAINT)
2d01efa Fix plugin spec to work with facter 1.7.5 [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
559bca6 Provide a namespace around two specs using Memory indirectors [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
d29ba40 replace `using_checksums_describe` with `with_digest_algorithms` [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
8a54d6e Remove explicit setting of configured environment in benchmarks [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
7b1f3ff Update defined_types benchmark to ensure correct environment [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
2c1e806 Remove TODO comment [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
97dac3d Remove redundant and useless tests [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
3898701 checksum methods should be class methods [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
fe7639a Fixup file content specs to use rspec helpers [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
b02e10d Fix creation of Loaders [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
f035381 Convert to using have_resource matcher [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
241fd7f Convert to compile_to_catalog [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
6162df4 Fix param mismatches in YARD docs [Charlie Sharpsteen ([email protected])]
10a249f Fix return type warnings in Pops YARD docs [Charlie Sharpsteen ([email protected])]
16f208f Fix broken link warnings in Pops YARD docs [Charlie Sharpsteen ([email protected])]
854fcec Remove dependency on context system [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
e275ba5 Remove unused method [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
6d0227e Clarify tests for loaders [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
2aed59b Unnest tests for loaders [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
2c70fc1 Remove unused "create_loaders" [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
7832ce8 Clean up loader tests a little [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
3cfbdc3 Remove scaffolding test [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
eaf3d06 Adding the Usertrust Network CA certificate. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
38fa9e5 Remove FS redefined constant warnings in spec runs [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
e3633fd Adding the Usertrust Network CA certificate. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
3c5c721 Update PMT to work around cross-platform issues in Dir.[] [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
791a945 Don't expand tar cf - sourcedir path [Josh Cooper ([email protected])]
855eff5 Remove an outdated PMT acceptance test. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
6badc33 Adding File.expand_path to the Tar::Gnu specs. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
29ef2fa Adding forge_host configuration to the acceptance bootstrap script. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
69bd606 Update PMT acceptance tests to match new verbiage [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
820a3a1 Include information about how PRs are handled [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
1f44a33 Clearer error message to reflect origin. [Ashley Penney ([email protected])]
63710f5 Code cleanup around PMT generate. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
a35a4b0 Remove cron fixtures after cron acceptance tests [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
7465a90 Use 2 space tabs in cron acceptance tests [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
7aafce9 Clarify how dispatches are done [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
ed6ea3e Fix display of warning on Internal* [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
2fb6812 Get Puppet::Pops::Functions to show in yard [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
9ecdf04 Remove reference to README_DEVELOPER [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
78458aa Fix various typos and problems in docs [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
0aefb1c Rework documentation for functions [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
19e5134 Mark Function impl public [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
6988431 Remove reference to type factory [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
3e368af Fix typo [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
0444e4e Reverting an unnecessary API change to Pupppet::Node::Environment [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
2e7850c Don't overwrite mast_opts hash [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
9770568 Reformat to 80 chars wide [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
8237592 Fix metadata validation for missing namespaces and module names. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
fbeed5c Use PuppetSpec::Files for tmpdir creation in tests. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
8e50ae7 Refactoring module name validation to be less obtuse. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
4edce4e Fix documentation of Puppet::ModuleTool.environment_for_options [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
1fb1504 Fix quotes in hiera config for dynamic_environments test [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
d6749c7 Use current facter api (previous was phased out in facter 2) [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
08ad544 Update dir env links in deprecation warning and example env README file [Nick Fagerlund ([email protected])]
46745c8 Fix comparison error float - string [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
c811a16 Quote % in hiera.conf for dynamic environments acceptance [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
3a549fe Format according to norms [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
a091c02 Remove unused helper method [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
f2c0930 fix (loader) tests that now get different error message text [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
87f08e1 Make context handle lazy initialization [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
b15490d expand yumrepo inifile inline documentation. [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
1811e83 Update yumrepo inifile provider comments [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
f80b225 refactor find_conf_value to use PhysicalFile [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
fff636b Remove assignment w/o effect [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
602043f Indentation fixes in egrammar [Erik Dalén ([email protected])]
b244756 Remove trailing whitspace [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
5005f56 Make Regexp type and Pattern type assert given pattern [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
f30b805 Remove trailing comma that makes Ruby 1.8.7 have a hissy fit [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
aa9ad6f Improve documentation ofthe assert_type function [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
15993cb Fix type calculator inference of Optional type [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
280d106 Add dir_containing(name, hash) to spec helpers [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
600bca4 Add a :biff setting turning on biff, future parser/evaluator [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
ff72f39 Remove travis irc notifications [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
db1f87d Consolidate redundant join_options implementations. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
3e0469a Update PMT tests to match a regex [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
c62f993 Reduce travis notifications to a one-liner [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
dff1835 Change travis irc notifications format to omit build number [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
8547e2f Update PMT tests to expect deprecation [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
3124162 Display full trace to deprecated code [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
43eb6fc Add travis notifications to #puppet-dev [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
36c7120 Add a commented out Gemfile section specifying the correct augeas gem [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
7b92a54 Fix typo in test name [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
18d8240 Fix formatting of the show_diff description [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
f5f1fc5 Document Cron autorequre of user resources [Charlie Sharpsteen ([email protected])]
93b69e1 Update required params when creating cron jobs [Charlie Sharpsteen (Charlie Sharpsteen [email protected])]
3f13838 Improve tests to check actual logging [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
be86b16 Remove commented out code [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
fbafc0a Update gem provider spec for recent change. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
ed42ef6 Fix package acceptance test failure caused by gem provider changes. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
c6ddc4f Add method size_range, and repeat_last_range to collections [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
0caa6d7 Change infer_set of Array to produce PTupleType [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
3f0bf8d Fix usage of remove_instance_variable for 1.8.7. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
2335ad5 Fix directoryservice spec order issue. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
b00d6b2 Fix yum package provider syntax for Ruby 1.8.7. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
07b8c9e Convert test to use real resource objects [Josh Cooper ([email protected])]
225a83c Add to memory_impl abstraction [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
a3bf8f1 Fix class relationships [Erik Dalén ([email protected])]
0e284c9 Fix yet another face spec issue. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
275ac95 Fix face specs to not pollute global state. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
26af2be Revert "Fix face_collection_spec to properly restore global state." [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
c6afa64 Use provider property accessors in the Cron type [Charlie Sharpsteen ([email protected])]
1b8a7ea Fix face_collection_spec to properly restore global state. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
f56da6c Simplify the CA use of the autosign setting [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1041)
5e0b340 nagios: parse empty parameter values in definitions [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1114)
02e00ae Deprecate environment sections in puppet.conf [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1174)
a71ab02 Use Puppet::Util.absolute_path? to validate purge_ssh_keys [Josh Cooper ([email protected])]
618c516 add tests for the purge_ssh_keys parameter of the user type [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
e64611e amend resources type documentation [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
ca46bfd enable the purging of authorized ssh keys [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
** (PUP-1279)
e427904 Make Class[::p] remove the :: [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1332)
9d06e7a Add instantiated upstart services to exclude list [Matthaus Owens ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1433)
9fc9170 Ignore deprecation warnings in module acceptance output [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
050a054 Link to environment docs [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
6b4b7bd Add deprecation notices to the setting descriptions [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
726f074 Add short link to env settings deprecations [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
55d1148 Gather sections for deprecation check in a Ruby neutral way [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
3cb14dd Remove use of modulepath setting [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
baa4403 Remove use of manifest setting [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
c0039f7 Stop deprecating env settings on CLI [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
75e2a7e Use modulepath of the current environment [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
1186a91 Deprecate non-environment manifest settings [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
b791ddf List all created directories in deb [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
92dcbb1 Create example environment for redhat [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
980f4b9 Add example environment to deb packages [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1547)
8054a06 Undefined method for nil:NilClass when no providers found [Carlos Sanchez ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1552)
2e5aa02 Create new issue type for authorization [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1585)
0608933 amend unit test to match corrected behavior [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
b3d10de cron: fix resource duplication in crontab provider [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1586)
5af17f0 remove obsolete unit test [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
cc056e9 allow managing existing cronjobs without caring for command [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
** (PUP-1587)
d0fb26e crontab: make sure that invalid crontabs aren't written out [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1596)
ea9f5ed Expand all paths when creating directory environments [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
59c99fa Fix MemoryFile to string conversion in Ruby 1.8 [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
e65b645 Interpolate settings inside an environment.conf [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
574115a Read environment.conf for new directory environments [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
1221f59 Add config_version as an explicit env property [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1624)
0187ee5 cron: fix a unit test regression [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
b0df220 cron: move the default value logic from user to target [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1699)
d276475 Ensure context in effect before accessing in app setup [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
0dfce8a Add remote environment to plugin downloader calls [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
2a2ef7d Tie resource environment to catalog [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
7eb6e58 Set a stub environment_instance when deserializing catalog [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
137e16e Create a real env in doc_spec tests [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
8825555 Retain an instance of a Catalog's environment [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
e0848b6 Remove dead code, fix documentation. [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
779f012 Use Puppet.override to provide some spec envs [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
b746a06 Change default time to live for directory env to 5s [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
c3bf741 Add caching for directory based environments [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1711)
8916a8e Add support for Ubuntu 14.04, Trusty Tahr [Melissa Stone ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1712)
2db74b0 Don't install rubygems on trusty (package no longer exists) [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
c57cae4 Use beaker 1.10 in acceptance (needed for trusty) [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
4814074 Install libjson-ruby only on the non-trusty debian/ubuntu distros [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
8293d92 Add trusty (Ubuntu 14.04) config [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1749)
5225659 Fix module_tool extract for non-gnu tar [Reid Vandewiele ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1751)
902d30d Add service provider examples for Suse special casing. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
e62a2f3 Fix service provider on Suse to handle boot services. [Matteo Cerutti ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1769)
fab1f1b Don't pass nil through to provider command [Josh Cooper ([email protected])]
4b1a9c5 Update yum specs with install_options [Peter Souter ([email protected])]
8388a34 Use join_options command [Peter Souter ([email protected])]
9570162 Changing the has_feature to a one-liner [Peter Souter ([email protected])]
a4abf13 yum provider takes install_options [Jan Holčapek ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1799)
fa8d14b Restrict function base classes [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
2b79928 Remove support for ruby types [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
a6683e6 Rename to InternalFunction [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
2e9e062 Add warning messages to docs [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
5b78270 Clarify public/private portions of the Functions API [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
c17989a Rewrap some longer comments [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
c0db703 Split Public from Private Function API [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
814bf72 Remove exposure of TypeFactory in Functions [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
3fb214e Remove polymorphic dispatch [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
0d9ab02 Remove undocumented and unused dispatch [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
bf9b71f Pull implementation into pops [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
60eda18 Fix test of function API for Ruby 1.8.7 [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
091a0cf Fix argument count adjustment for Ruby 1.8.7 [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
2ddb2ca Fix issue when running under Ruby 1.8.7 (typo) [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
ef7660d Yardoc and dead code removal in Function API [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
9ba142a Add support for injection of parameters and weaving [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
8705a43 Add support for injection of Function class attributes [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
42b9aa5 Modify how required/optional/varargs count is specified [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
fa8312f Change default inferred param type to Object (no undef) [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
20395c1 Add marking of optional and varargs count in error message [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
8467d58 Add support for multiple dispatch entries [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
fe0cbb0 Make new Function API report parameter names. [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
aeb8b13 Add support for parameter names [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
f37bc92 Make Function handle dispatch directly instead of nested [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
21f8580 First working version of new Function API (simple dispatch) [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
8b49714 Add new Function API [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1840)
586b8dc Use binary mode for files [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
9232c97 Use module methods of Puppet::Util::Checksum [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
f706b87 Remove magic variables from shared context [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
1793e42 Remove unused constant [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
1b6181d Remove use of "use" [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
589396e Use single location for default digest algorithm [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
d0b6b74 Use configured digest_algorithm as default checksum_type for file resources [Jared Jennings ([email protected])]
18c0a9d Respect digest algorithm in filebucket dipper [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
1b728b5 Respect digest algorithm in filebucket file [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
0d1a6c8 Respect digest_algorithm in file metadata [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
f33461b Ease testing under different digest_algorithm settings [Jared Jennings ([email protected])]
477a547 Add a digest_algorithm Puppet setting, defaulting to md5 [Jared Jennings ([email protected])]
fcfb1f2 Add an sha256 checksum type to Puppet::Util::Checksums [Jared Jennings ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1854)
4c4a8e4 add a global Log_level parameter [Stefan Goethals ([email protected])]
59f915e add a global Log_level parameter [Stefan Goethals ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1879)
b61fa20 Clear gem path cache when loading library features [Dominic Cleal ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1892)
f1776e5 Remove dead code for missing uri [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
89b8ac1 File resources do not work with fileservers that are not the current puppetmaster. [Tristan Smith ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1932)
ce1fd9d Don't report static services [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
750ea0c Restrict systemd provider to manage file-based services [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1937)
285d304 Remove extra assignment [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1938)
b59fe65 Remove Debian service provider default on Ubuntu [Marlin Cremers ([email protected])]
** (PUP-1952)
f10145b Increase jruby heap size for travis CI [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
8b86229 Accomodate that jruby can't fork [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
fd46322 Break out jruby versions of gems as needed [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
d49b338 Add jruby-19mode to travis ci (but under allow_failures) [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1954)
3faca7e use attr_accessor instead of attr [Kevin Corcoran ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1955)
84f32ef Generate an empty array when purge_ssh_keys is false [Charlie Sharpsteen ([email protected])]
cefd13e Use symbols not booleans in purge_ssh_keys [Charlie Sharpsteen ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1960)
cadb5d8 Change API of Resource and Class types for undef/array [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
a076d79 Reverse the order of compact and flatten [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
a196833 Make Resource and Class types produce [] on empty input [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1964)
345790c Handle nil class parameter value [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1973)
eb09ae7 Fix getting scope vars to template for inherited scope [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1976)
efc18dd Use metadata.json as canonical metadata source. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1977)
7d78de2 Update `puppet module generate` to create `metadata.json` [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1978)
7807591 Fix issues with [] operator error reporting [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-1986)
5d28484 Ignore source_permissions when downloading plugins on POSIX [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
** (PUP-2009)
205a612 Add acceptance test for dynamic environments [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2026)
10b20d9 Add support for Callable in access operator ([]) [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
524bd5c Add support for Callable in TypeParser [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
bc12732 Allow block_type of Callable to be specified in factory call [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
a4a29f2 Add support for Callable in TypeCalculator [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
ba37050 Add TypeFactory support for CallableType [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
bcc9f24 Add lambda/callable type to model [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
620757e Add PCallableType and PCallSignature for lambda and function [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2027)
e015c82 Support lambdas in 4x function API [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
3a9ba20 Use Callable in Function API [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2033)
c357fd0 Use loglevel for diff output [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2035)
991fc29 Adapt autoloaded functions with loader [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
bef1370 Fix issues with loader configuration [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
50cfd70 Make loading from a module loader based on modulepath work [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
bfbe406 Add configuration of loaders from modules on module path [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
4ed2ce7 (PUP-1799) Use new 4x loaders for 4x functions [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
96f3d97 Make loader infrastructure work for functions [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
435e8b0 Add first cut of instantiators for functions and loader API [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2048)
c88c21b Implement augeas show_diff parameter [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
a29ef7b Add a show_diff parameter for the augeas type [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2073)
6dab11c fix for multiple diff_args [Matt Shean ([email protected])]
** (PUP-2080)
e8b2b6e Reinstate function as a QNAME [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
2f47f76 Remove function in the puppet language [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
85b4a86 Remove puppet language function loading [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
a04d9a7 Add first cut of supporting functions written in .pp [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2093)
8732b5f Update PMT acceptance tests for /v3 PMT [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
242c52f Migrate all PMT code to use JSON. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
7d9de3a Improve documentation and test names. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
4f255ff Support hyphenated module names as dependencies. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
d459adf Restore use of JSON (over PSON). [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
3f05274 Migrate PMT to /v3 API. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
6fa68b5 Integrate a dedicated dependency resolver. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2096)
85c3f48 Update API to use standard ruby idioms [Chris Price ([email protected])]
78a7cbc Support alternate http client classes in http_pool [Chris Price ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2100)
8eaa3b0 Use AddAccessDeniedAceEx for inheritance [Rob Reynolds ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2101)
f9cd389 resource parser: add the resource name on the validation error message when using create_resources [David Portabella ([email protected])]
** (PUP-2126)
99e9e19 Allow global functino names, and use environment loader [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2143)
a25e2cc Implement :enableable for OpenBSD service provider [Zach Leslie ([email protected])]
** (PUP-2176)
3fbdd26 Loading functions via new loaders should use code's loader [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
207caf1 Add test for parsing of typed parameters [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
e86128d Use lazy initialization of context in compiler [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
c241f42 Propagate non-autoloaded function to loader [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
d5cd49f Make loading of puppet functions not nest under modulename [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
05c9f41 Add validation of puppet function name (must be name spaced) [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
ee67b5e Change to correct evaluating parser for puppet function load [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2190)
f8e41e0 Fix issue when there are no defaults (for meta params) [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2213)
543ea3d Expand paths for face/config spec on windows [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
016f5f0 Read environment settings from other sections in config print [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2218)
cd4e69f Use /etc/yum.conf for yumrepo default location [Adrien Thebo ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2237)
ea7c004 Fix end of string in Emacs autoload for puppet-mode [Russ Allbery ([email protected])]
13f1e0d Improve puppet-mode indentation, XEmacs compatibility [Russ Allbery ([email protected])]
** (PUP-2241)
c7aef7a Simplify dispatching of logging functions [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2278)
155bf4c Parameterize the mode of Puppet::Util::Execution.execpipe. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
dd8fc2b Accept paths with spaces in PMT tarball interactions. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2279)
244ea26 Add tests for `yumrepo` type [Thomas Linkin ([email protected])]
0cd10e2 Add support for 'skip_if_unavailable' to `yumrepo` [Thomas Linkin ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2282)
8ea260b Guard caller() lookup in deprecation_warning [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
ea892be Change environment setting deprecations to use keys [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
dbe49a5 Allow deprecation warnings to supply optional key [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2284)
f61e417 Updating default version for PMT generate. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
2c0456e Add --skip-interview option to PMT generate. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
41c88a2 Add an interview to the PMT `generate` action. [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2285)
d755953 Integrating the recommended README template [Pieter van de Bruggen ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2290)
0830931 Add a spec test for the issued warning for find 404 in REST [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
ec55dd5 Fix typo - 400 should be 404 [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
5cbda13 Issue warning when rest/find results in 404 [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2291)
997917d Fix absent priorities in yumrepo [Julien Pivotto ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2292)
992891f stronger tests on yumrepo's properties [Julien Pivotto ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2302)
7fb506f Fix issue with Resource Defaults for qualified names [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2306)
cf1537c Force return type of generate to String [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2317)
fbacbb0 Make future parser issue discontinuation error for import [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2344)
9e2811c Use the public loader for dependencies [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
d31ccf8 Remove dead code path [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
177f20f Inject environment into loaders [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
cf53591 Extract methods to make flow clearer [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
625d14e Fix issue with inter-module calls (visibility error) [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-2347)
94dca3b Raring went EOL in Jan 2014, so we should no longer build packages for it. [Matthaus Owens ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-485)
185a661 Add ability to give assert_type a type as a String [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
1626bd8 Fix test after change to ParseError from ArgumentError [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
76bfc91 Change format for actual type in assert_type error message [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
2e4024c Add function assert_type(t, value) [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
** (PUP-530)
2bb1fde Add a build depends of hiera [Moses Mendoza ([email protected])]
8b48219 Make install.rb check for hiera before installing [Moses Mendoza ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-620)
78bfab8 Add spec examples for yum install_options. [Peter Souter ([email protected])]
921db7f Limit gem install_options to install only. [Peter Souter ([email protected])]
4f27a44 Add install_options to gem provider [mike.moghadas ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-748)
607a1bc Add specs for zypper install_options. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
5f0cb76 Fix the zypper package provider support for install_options. [Marcus Rückert ([email protected])]
-- (PUP-772)
c025a48 Fix apt package provider spec for install_options. [Peter Huene ([email protected])]
05117b6 Fix apt provider install_options [Matthew Barr ([email protected])]
6599534 Add the install_option attribute to the apt provider [Jasper Poppe ([email protected])]
3d9cbec Reading even old sysconfig file [Michal Hrusecky ([email protected])]
13633d7 Make relation between service and sysconfig file obvious [Michal Hrusecky ([email protected])]
4ebcfda Adding dependency on puppetmaster to puppet [Michal Hrusecky ([email protected])]
b9035cf Use no-daemonize and not forking service [Michal Hrusecky ([email protected])]
61ad1fd Maint: Fix buggy auth.conf example in fileserver.conf [Nick Fagerlund ([email protected])]
9ef869e Add docs badge to README [René Föhring ([email protected])]
b6514b8 Recent Debian's libruby doesn't provide libxmlrpc-ruby and libopenssl-ruby anymore [Mathieu Parent ([email protected])]
7da18a2 Maint: Fix wrong description of valid start_date values for scheduled_task triggers [Nick Fagerlund ([email protected])]
4500f9f Remove now-redundant Tar::Solaris from module_tool [Reid Vandewiele ([email protected])]
e874c9e Add tests for module_tool changes [Reid Vandewiele ([email protected])]
b5295b5 Clarified the use of slashes around RegEx for `pattern` attribute [Justin Holguin ([email protected])]
a1c9cd2 Clarified `pattern` parameter for Service type (DOCUMENT-1) [Justin Holguin ([email protected])]
96939d6 source function library *before* client sysconfig overrides [Robin Bowes ([email protected])]
SHOULD BE PUP-2045 ** (#FORGE-38)
c443433 Add Rakefile to skeleton for generated modules [Garrett Honeycutt ([email protected])]
ADDED ** (#PUP-1046)
265290b Add spec test for skeleton for generated modules [Garrett Honeycutt ([email protected])]
Should be PUP-1979 - part of 3.5.0 ** (PUP-1279)
e427904 Make Class[::p] remove the :: [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
+FixVersion ** (PUP-1332)
9d06e7a Add instantiated upstart services to exclude list [Matthaus Owens ([email protected])]
Duplicate for (PUP-1586) ** (PUP-1587)
d0fb26e crontab: make sure that invalid crontabs aren't written out [Felix Frank ([email protected])]
f10145b Increase jruby heap size for travis CI [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
8b86229 Accomodate that jruby can't fork [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
fd46322 Break out jruby versions of gems as needed [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
d49b338 Add jruby-19mode to travis ci (but under allow_failures) [Kylo Ginsberg ([email protected])]
+FixVersion ** (PUP-1954)
3faca7e use attr_accessor instead of attr [Kevin Corcoran ([email protected])]
Merged from 3.5.0 ** (PUP-1973)
eb09ae7 Fix getting scope vars to template for inherited scope [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
Merged from 3.5.0 ** (PUP-1978)
7807591 Fix issues with [] operator error reporting [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
+ No Action - It's a test. ** (PUP-2009)
205a612 Add acceptance test for dynamic environments [Josh Partlow ([email protected])]
e8b2b6e Reinstate function as a QNAME [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
2f47f76 Remove function in the puppet language [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
85b4a86 Remove puppet language function loading [Andrew Parker ([email protected])]
a04d9a7 Add first cut of supporting functions written in .pp [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
Should be (PUP-2176) ** (PUP-2126)
99e9e19 Allow global functino names, and use environment loader [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
3fbdd26 Loading functions via new loaders should use code's loader [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
207caf1 Add test for parsing of typed parameters [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
e86128d Use lazy initialization of context in compiler [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
c241f42 Propagate non-autoloaded function to loader [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
d5cd49f Make loading of puppet functions not nest under modulename [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
05c9f41 Add validation of puppet function name (must be name spaced) [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
ee67b5e Change to correct evaluating parser for puppet function load [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
+FixVersion ** (PUP-2241)
c7aef7a Simplify dispatching of logging functions [Henrik Lindberg ([email protected])]
+FixVersion ** (PUP-530)
2bb1fde Add a build depends of hiera [Moses Mendoza ([email protected])]
8b48219 Make install.rb check for hiera before installing [Moses Mendoza ([email protected])]
(PUP-2415) Created - 3d9cbec Reading even old sysconfig file [Michal Hrusecky ([email protected])]
(PUP-2415) Created - 13633d7 Make relation between service and sysconfig file obvious [Michal Hrusecky ([email protected])]
(PUP-2417) Created - 4ebcfda Adding dependency on puppetmaster to puppet [Michal Hrusecky ([email protected])]
(PUP-2416) Created - b9035cf Use no-daemonize and not forking service [Michal Hrusecky ([email protected])]
Packaging - b6514b8 Recent Debian's libruby doesn't provide libxmlrpc-ruby and libopenssl-ruby anymore [Mathieu Parent ([email protected])]
(PUP-2418) Created - 4500f9f Remove now-redundant Tar::Solaris from module_tool [Reid Vandewiele ([email protected])]
TESTING e874c9e Add tests for module_tool changes [Reid Vandewiele ([email protected])]
(PUP-892) 96939d6 source function library *before* client sysconfig overrides [Robin Bowes ([email protected])]
(PUP-740) - no commits (This should have been targeted 3.5.0 or no fix version)
(PUP-892) - this is UNMARKED - 96939d6
(PUP-947) - this was (maint) - f56da6c
(PUP-1046) - (#PUP-1046)
(PUP-1504) - Unmarked DOC changes
WON'T FIX (PUP-1896)
(PUP-1899) - this was (maint) - b5aac47
(PUP-1903) - this was (maint) - c6afa64
DUPLICATE (PUP-1924) - this is UNMARKED - 96939d6
(PUP-1956) - has no commits associated with it, just infra work.
(PUP-2045) - (#FORGE-38)
(PUP-2215) - No commits? I don't see any
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