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Frédéric Pierret fepitre

  • France
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Joeviocoe / qvm-portfwd-iptables
Last active June 16, 2021 11:40 — forked from daktak/
Qubes-os port forwarding to allow external connections
# Inspired by
# Inspired by
ip() { qvm-prefs -g -- "$1" ip; }
netvm() { qvm-prefs -g -- "$1" netvm; }
forward() {
local from_domain=$1
local to_domain=$2
cyberang3l /
Last active May 20, 2024 16:03
Necessary scripts and procedure to start libvirt VMs in a provided order, with an given delay before starting each subsequent VM.
  1. Ensure that your VMs can shutdown gracefully when the power-button is pressed.

  2. Place the file in /opt directory

  3. Make it executable: chmod +x /opt/

  4. Check that the script starts and shuts down your VMs as expected. The script can be executed as follows:

     /opt/ start
     /opt/ stop
     /opt/ status
  5. Make a systemd service to execute the script when booting or shutting down the hypervisor:

stuart-warren /
Last active March 8, 2024 16:20
Create a job in Jenkins (or folder) using the HTTP API
# check if job exists
curl -XGET 'http://jenkins/checkJobName?value=yourJobFolderName' --user
# with folder plugin
curl -s -XPOST 'http://jenkins/job/FolderName/createItem?name=yourJobName' --data-binary @config.xml -H "Content-Type:text/xml" --user
# without folder plugin
curl -s -XPOST 'http://jenkins/createItem?name=yourJobName' --data-binary @config.xml -H "Content-Type:text/xml" --user
# create folder