There is a reentrancy vulnerability in TectonicStakingPoolV3.sol (
The issue arises due to the function performConversionForTokens() which is currently open for anyone to call because tcmPublicAccess is currently true. During a call to performConversionForTokens(), reentrancy can be achieved with the end result being the free minting of xTonic tokens. A brief description of the token conversion process:
- The staking pool contract holds predominantly TONIC.
- Other approved tokens held by the staking pool can be swapped for TONIC. For example, if the pool holds some WCRO, it can be swapped for TONIC using performConversionForTokens() which increases the contract's TONIC balance, thus increasing rewards for its stakers.
- Upon successful conversion, any extra TONIC that was received during the swap (more than the oracle quote) is sent to the function caller as a reward.
The issue with the above is that a caller can