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Last active September 7, 2024 11:45
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percentage calculation utility
def calculate_percentage(progress: int, total: int) -> int:
"""Calculate the percentage progress based on the total value."""
if not isinstance(progress, int) or not isinstance(total, int):
raise TypeError("Both 'progress' and 'total' must be integers.")
if total <= 0:
raise ValueError("Total must be greater than zero.")
if progress < 0:
raise ValueError("Progress cannot be negative.")
return round(99 * progress / total + 0.5)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(calculate_percentage(0, TOTAL_TASKS)) # Output: 0
print(calculate_percentage(1, TOTAL_TASKS)) # Output: 1
print(calculate_percentage(999, TOTAL_TASKS)) # Output: 99
print(calculate_percentage(1000, TOTAL_TASKS)) # Output: 100
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