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Last active August 15, 2022 08:37
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Undefined ec2 instance name alert
# In 2019
import os
import json
import time
import boto3
TOPIC_NAME = os.getenv("TOPIC_NAME", "FatihMail")
SLEEP_TIME = os.getenv("SLEEP_TIME", 300)
def get_instance_tag_value(instance, key_name="Name"):
print("[+] get_instance_tag_value() ")
for tag in instance.tags:
if tag["Key"] == key_name:
return tag["Value"]
return None
def get_instance_name(instance_id):
print("[+] get_instance_name() ")
ec2 = boto3.resource("ec2")
instance = ec2.Instance(instance_id)
return get_instance_tag_value(instance)
def handle(event, context):
region = event["region"]
account = event["account"]
instance_event_state = event["detail"]["state"]
instance_id = event["detail"]["instance-id"]
topic_arn = f"arn:aws:sns:{region}:{account}:{TOPIC_NAME}"
if instance_event_state == "running":
instance_name = get_instance_name(instance_id)
print(f"InstanceName: {instance_name}")
if instance_name is None:
subject = "Undefined Ec2 Instance Name"
message = f"InstanceId: {instance_id}"
# Create an SNS client
sns_client = boto3.client("sns")
# Publish a simple message to the specified SNS topic
response = sns_client.publish(
TopicArn=topic_arn, Subject=subject, Message=message
print("[+] Undefined Ec2 Istance Event State")
return {"statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps("Undefined Ec2 Instance Name!")}
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