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Last active October 9, 2020 14:33
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Convert a folder of PDFs to JPGs

Command Line PDF-to-JPG conversion

I needed to be able to extract the first page from a folder of PDFs and export them as JPGs.

Poked around StackExchange and found out about vips.

I wrote a simple bash script to run inside of the folder with the PDFs.


  1. Install vips using Homebrew: brew install vips
  2. Download and move it into your PDF folder.
  3. Run chmod u+x to give the file permissions.
  4. Execute ./ to conver the PDFs to JPGs.
  5. Voila!
# Dependencies: vips
# Homebrew: brew install vips
for file in *.pdf
# Run vips pdfload for options
# You could add --page=1 to get the second page (from 0) or --dpi=300, etc. to get different quality images
# The variable gets the filename without the extension
vips pdfload ${file%.*}.pdf ${file%.*}.jpg
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