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Last active February 11, 2023 20:18
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Anki 2.0 addon to dynamically create learning steps. Starting at 15 minutes and then one day, each additional step is `easeFactor * lastStep` until we pass 20 days. Sets graduating and *Easy* interval to the next logical interval in the series. See this post for rationale:
# Auto Learning Steps
# Anki 2.0 addon
# Author EJS
# Sets the learning steps sequence of each deck options group.
from anki.hooks import addHook
from aqt import mw
#from aqt.utils import showInfo
#import time
ignoreList = ['Default', 'OnHold', 'Parent Category'] #Deck options groups to ignore
# run this on profile load
def updateLearningSteps():
#find all deck option groups
dconf = mw.col.decks.dconf
#cycle through them one by one
for k in dconf:
if dconf[k]["name"] not in ignoreList:
ease = dconf[k]["new"]["initialFactor"]/1000.0
#create learning steps
tempList = [15]
for i in range(10):
l = int(1440*ease**i)
if l < 28800:
gradInts = [int(l/1440),int(l/1440)]
mw.col.decks.dconf[k]["new"]["delays"] = tempList
mw.col.decks.dconf[k]["new"]["ints"] = gradInts[k])
# add hook to 'profileLoaded'
addHook("profileLoaded", updateLearningSteps)
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Ankilli commented Feb 10, 2023

Ah yes, nice. Thanks a lot for the quick reply :)

And is there a way to cut out some of the steps while keeping the others?
So in the following the marked (->) steps would be taken out, could I do it with this script?
1440 (1 day)
-> 1440 * Starting Ease
1440 * Starting Ease^2
-> 1440 * Starting Ease^3
Graduating Interval = 1440 * Starting Ease^3

eventually becoming this:
1440 (1 day)
1440 * Starting Ease^2
Graduating Interval = 1440 * Starting Ease^3

regards 😄

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you could do something like:

l = int(1440*ease**(i+1))

instead of

l = int(1440*ease**i)

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Ankilli commented Feb 11, 2023

Thank you! 👍
Also helped me a lot to understand the code better! :)

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