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Created November 20, 2012 09:37
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Node.js script to encrypt and decrypt an arbitrary string using 128-bit AES method in CFB mode
* Node.js script to encrypt and decrypt an arbitrary string using
* 128-bit AES method in CFB mode.
// A 16-byte key is required for a 128-bit encryption
var crypto = require('crypto'),
key = new Buffer('sixteen byte key'),
iv = crypto.randomBytes(16),
orig = 'A confidential message.';
console.log(' original msg:', orig);
// Start encrypt
//console.log(' iv1:', iv.toString('hex'));
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-cfb',
key.toString('utf8'), iv.toString('binary'));
var enc = cipher.update(orig, 'utf8', 'hex');
enc +='hex');
// Append enc message to iv to create an encrypted message
enc = iv.toString('hex') + enc;
console.log(" encrypted msg:", enc);
// Start decrypt
// Get new iv from the encrypted message; first 32 characters
var new_iv = new Buffer(enc.slice(0, 32), 'hex');
//console.log(' iv2:', new_iv.toString('hex'));
var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-cfb',
key.toString('utf8'), new_iv.toString('binary'));
console.log('encrypted data:', enc.slice(32));
var recv = decipher.update(enc.slice(32), 'hex', 'utf8');
recv +='utf8');
console.log(" received msg:", orig);
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