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Last active December 27, 2015 11:39
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Demonstrate referring to an argument type in the BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION macro
#include <boost/parameter/name.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/preprocessor.hpp>
// Deduce return type from an argument type
// This is not documented, but seems like it could be officially supported:
(typename boost::parameter::value_type<Args, tag::c, int>::type),
(b, *))
(c, *, 11))
return b + c;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << ffff(3, _c = 4) << "\n"; // return value is integer
std::cout << ffff(3, _c = 4.5) << "\n"; // return value is floating point
return 0;
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