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Forked from kara-ryli/Geo.js
Created March 16, 2010 21:03
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var Geo = navigator.geolocation, // {Object|null} a shortcut to the geolocation static class
options = { // {Object} options available to calls for position
enableHighAccuracy: false, // {Boolean} Whether or not to use more resources to get a more accurate position
maximumAge: 0, // {Number|Infinity} The maximum number of milliseconds since the last check.
timeout: null // {Number|null} The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a fix
watchId; // {Number} an ID to a watch timeout
// handles an error finding the user's position
function onError(error) {
var message = error.message,
code = error.code;
switch(error.code) {
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
case error.TIMEOUT:
// handles position data once found
function onPosition (position) {
var timestamp = position.timestamp, // {Date}
coords = position.coords, // {Object} placeholder
latitude = coords.latitude, // {Number} decimal degrees
longitude = coords.longitude, // {Number} decimal degrees
accuracy = coords.accuracy, // {Number} meters
altitudeAccuracy = coords.altitudeAccuracy, // {Number|null} meters
heading = coords.heading, // {Number|null} degrees relative to true north
speed = coords.speed; // {Number|null} meters per second
coords = null;
// detects if geolocation is supported
if ( ! Geo ) { throw new Error("geolocation not available."); }
// Gets the current position once
Geo.getCurrentPosition(onPosition, onError, options);
// Returns the current position, then watches for change in position
watchId = Geo.watchPosition(onPosition, onError, options);
// Stops watching for position changes
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