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er0ck /
Created April 29, 2016 22:39
beaker output with_puppetserver_running_upon
(fix/master/BKR-779-skip_test_broken_in_with_puppet_running_on $%=)$ be rake test:puppetpkg LAYOUT=centos7-64mdac-redhat7-64a
WARNING: Starting with beaker-hostgenerator 1.x platform strings for "el" hosts
will correspond to the actual linux distribution name. ie, the platform string
corresponding to a host specified as "centos4_64a" will be "centos-4-x86_64"
rather than "el-4-x86_64". It is recommended that you update your project's test
suites ASAP or be forced to do so when beaker-hostgenerator development moves on
to the 1.x series. We don't intend to backport features or platforms to 0.x.
Attempting to merge config file: ./acceptance/config/puppetpkg/acceptance-options.rb
Attempting to merge config file: ./acceptance/local_options.rb
# @note Instead of commenting out a test or using skip_test(), use this!
# Tells an assert that it's supposed to fail due to a product bug, an
# undelivered feature, or some similar situation.
# This converts failing asserts into passing asserts (so we can continue to
# run the test even though there are underlying product bugs), and converts
# passing asserts into failing asserts (so we know when the underlying product
# bug has been fixed).