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Forked from fryguybob/Faces.hs
Created June 12, 2016 11:33
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{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Random
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific.CmdLine
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (size)
import Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific.CmdLine
import Diagrams.Backend.CmdLine
import Diagrams.TwoD.Vector
import Diagrams.ThreeD.Transform (translateZ)
import Diagrams.ThreeD.Projection
import Diagrams.Core.Trace
import Diagrams.LinearMap (amap)
import Codec.Picture (GifDelay)
import Linear.Matrix ((!*!))
rotZ a = transform (aboutZ a)
rotX a = transform (aboutX a)
viewVector = -(V3 8.4 6 3.2)
m = lookAt (-viewVector) zero unitZ
pm = perspective (pi/3) 0.8 (-10) 10 !*! m
pd = m44Deformation pm
withPerspective :: Path V3 Double -> Path V2 Double
withPerspective d = deform pd (translateZ (-1) d)
averageV a b = b .+^ ((a .-. b) / 2)
-- Remove any face that is not counter-clockwise under projection.
cullFaces :: (Ord n, Floating n) =>
[Located (Trail V2 n)] -> [Located (Trail V2 n)]
cullFaces ts = map snd . filter fst . markFaces $ ts
markFaces :: (Ord n, Floating n) =>
[Located (Trail V2 n)] -> [(Bool,Located (Trail V2 n))]
markFaces ts = map (\x -> (isCCW . unLoc $ x, x)) ts
isCCW t = withTrail (const True) (const (isLoopCCW t)) t
isLoopCCW t = case getCorners . boundingBox $ t of
Nothing -> True
Just (a,b) ->
let o = averageV a b
in case explodeTrail (t `at` origin) of
[] -> True
(s:_) -> let u = loc s .-. o
v = trailOffset (unLoc s) ^+^ u
in cross2 u v > 0
-- sortZ :: [Located (Trail V3 n)] -> [Located (Trail V3 n)]
sortZ = sortBy s
s = comparing (fmap (dot v . (.-. p)) . boxCenter . boundingBox)
p = origin .+^ (-viewVector)
v = signorm viewVector
testFace rev = toPath . (if rev then reverseTrail else id) . glueTrail . fromOffsets $ [unitX,unitY,unit_X,unit_Y]
-- spinAndProject :: Path V3 Double -> Double -> Diagram B
-- spinAndProject t = \r -> lineJoin LineJoinRound . stroke . withPerspective . rotZ r $ t
-- Transparent
-- spinAndProject t = \r -> lineJoin LineJoinRound . mconcat . map snd . filter fst
-- . colors _2 . map (fmap stroke) . map (_1 .~ True) . markFaces . pathTrails
-- . withPerspective . toPath . sortZ . pathTrails . rotZ r $ t
spinAndProject t = \r -> lineJoin LineJoinRound . mconcat . map snd . filter fst
. colors _2 . map (fmap stroke) . markFaces . pathTrails
. withPerspective . toPath . sortZ . pathTrails . rotZ r $ t
-- Rubic'sish colors l ts = zipWith (\c t -> t & l %~ (fc c)) (cycle [red,green,blue,yellow,orange]) ts
-- Color by distance
-- Transparent: colors l ts = zipWith (\c t -> t & l %~ (lw none . opacity 0.5 . fc c)) cs ts
-- Solid: colors l ts = zipWith (\c t -> t & l %~ fc c) cs ts
colors l ts = zipWith (\c t -> t & l %~ fc c) cs ts
n = length ts
cs = [blend (fromIntegral i / fromIntegral n) green white | i <- [0..n-1]]
frameCount = 100 :: Int
delay = 6 :: GifDelay
spin f = map (,delay) . allRotations $ frame
!bb = boundingBox . mconcat . allRotations $ f
allRotations f = [f (n @@ turn) | i <- [0..frameCount]
, let n = fromIntegral i / fromIntegral frameCount]
frame r = f r # withEnvelope bb # bgFrame 0.05 skyblue
main = do
d <- spinAndProject <$> build3D
gifMain (spin d)
box :: Path V3 Double
box = toPath $ map (\i -> face # rotZ (fromIntegral i * 360 / 4 @@ deg)) [0..3]
<> [ face # rotX ( 90 @@ deg)
, face # rotX ((-90) @@ deg)
face :: Located (Trail V3 Double)
face = fromOffsets [unitZ,unitX,unit_Z,unit_X]
# translate (-0.5) # mapLoc (reverseTrail . glueTrail)
-- ^^^ this seems wrong to me!?!
build3D :: IO (Path V3 Double)
build3D = do -- return box
let n = 5
ts <- replicateM n . replicateM n . replicateM n $ getRandom
return $ mconcat
[ box # translate v
| i <- [0..n-1]
, j <- [0..n-1]
, k <- [0..n-1]
, (!!i) . (!!j) . (!!k) $ ts
, let v = (fromIntegral i ^& fromIntegral j ^& fromIntegral k)
] # centerXYZ
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