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triph entriphy

  • California
  • 21:36 (UTC -08:00)
View GitHub Profile
import requests, json
from datetime import datetime
# Get access token
r_token = requests.get("").json()
token = r_token["accessToken"]
token_expiration = datetime.fromtimestamp(r_token["accessTokenExpirationTimestampMs"] / 1000)
# Get album playcount
def get_playcount(album_id):
entriphy / version.css
Created December 20, 2017 03:33
BMT modified
- Beard's Material Discord Theme -
- made from scratch by Beard Design -
- Created 10/07/2016 -
- -
Lilian Tedone(Beard Design) retains full copyright of this code.
You are NOT ALLOWED to redistribute this file/Theme or any of the contents of it in any way or method.
public static void ExtractZip(string zipFile, string extractDirectory = "")
string zipPath = Path.GetFullPath(zipFile);
string zipName = Path.GetFileName(zipPath);
if (extractDirectory == "")
extractDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFile) + @"\" + zipName.Replace(".zip", "");
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(zipPath, extractDirectory);
01-31 20:32:01.614 1164 1480 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-QMI: qmuxd: TX message on fd=21, to qmux_client_id=0x6, len=68
01-31 20:32:01.615 3478 3540 E RILD : ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x4F:QMI_NAS_GET_SIG_INFO), indi(0), size(68), err(0)
01-31 20:32:01.615 3478 3540 E RILD : Result(0), Error(0)
01-31 20:32:01.615 3478 3540 E RILD : RSSI level = 0x2000 - LTE: 2, EVDO: 0, CDMA: 0, GSM: 2
01-31 20:32:01.615 3478 3540 E RILD : RSSI level = 0x2000 - LTE: 2, EVDO: 0, CDMA: 0, GSM: 2
01-31 20:32:01.616 3478 3540 E RILD : Signal Strength: [2000, 99, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 12, 116, 11, 64, -1, 2147483647]
01-31 20:32:01.616 3478 3540 E RILD : ReceiveMessage: svc(WMS), msg(0x20:QMI_WMS_RAW_SEND), indi(0), size(316), err(0)
01-31 20:32:01.616 3478 3540 E RILD : Result(1), Error(56)
01-31 20:32:01.616 3478 3540 E RILD : RxSendSmsResponse: ModemType = 6
01-31 20:32:01.616 3478 3540 E RILD : SMS message send result 0x01, error 0x38, mError 0x0B