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Created January 5, 2024 21:38
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Lowdefy Snippet for Merging Object Arrays
# Array merge takes a source array of objects and merges into into a
# destination array of objects, while looking up an defined attribute from each
# object (in both arrays) to de-duplicate the final array.
# So if you call with:
# _ref:
# path: path/to/array_merge.yaml
# vars:
# from: [ {"id": 1, name: "Alice"}, {"id": 2, name: "Bob"} ]
# into: [ {"id": 2, name: "Robert"}, {"id": 3, name: "Charlie"} ]
# key: id
# ... it will resolve to:
# [ {"id": 1, name: "Alice"}, {"id": 2, name: "Robert"}, {"id": 3, name: Charlie} ]
# ... noting that the attributes of 2 took precedence from the values of "into".
# Convert {"id1": {on_key: "id1", attr: "a"}} to [{on_key: "id1", attr: "a"}].
# Deduplicate-merge objects {"id1": {on_key: "id1", attr: "a"}} into {"id1": {on_key: "id1", attr: "a"}}.
# Convert [ ["id1", {on_key: "id1", attr: "a"} ] ] to {"id1": {on_key: "id1", attr: "a"}}
- _object.fromEntries:
# Convert [ {on_key: "id1", attr: "a"} ] into [ ["id1", {on_key: "id1", attr: "a"} ] ]
_var: into
# Convert {on_key: "id1", attr: "a"} into ["id1", {on_key: "id1", attr: "a"} ]
- __get:
# Get the *value* of the primary key (passed as the 'on'
# var).
__args: 0
_var: key
- __args: 0
# Same exact process but with the "from" var.
- _object.fromEntries:
_var: from
- __get:
__args: 0
_var: key
- __args: 0
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