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Created October 29, 2012 00:39
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STI and circular referencial association
FactoryGirl.define do
sequence :first_name { |n| "John #{n}" }
sequence :email { |n| "john#{n}" }
factory :employee do
first_name { generate(:first_name) }
last_name 'Smith'
email { generate(:email) }
position { Settings.employee.positions.first }
staff_number { "%06d" % (rand * 1000000) } # random 6 digit number
supervisor nil
factory :supervisor do
first_name 'Manager'
sequence(:email) { |n| "manager#{n}" }
# Option 2: which I have not used yet but this is from Inheritance section
# ref:
# You can also assign the parent explicitly:
#factory :post do
# title "A title"
#factory :approved_post, parent: :post do
# approved true
factory :employee_with_supervisor, parent: :supervisor do
# not sure what should come here
trait :with_supervisor do
before :create do
supervisor { FactoryGirl.create :supervisor }
# then use like so:
employee = create(:employee, :with_supervisor) # using the trait we created
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