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Created June 17, 2022 11:01
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Statistics for Tony
open System
open Npgsql.FSharp
let connectionString : string = ""
|> Sql.database "xxx"
|> Sql.username "xxx"
|> Sql.password "xxx"
|> Sql.port 12345
|> Sql.requireSslMode
|> Sql.trustServerCertificate true
|> Sql.formatConnectionString
let total_energy_consumed cs_id =
|> Sql.connect
|> Sql.query $"SELECT timestamp, power FROM pienosole_api_power WHERE \
chargingstation_id = {cs_id} ORDER BY timestamp DESC"
|> Sql.execute (fun read -> read.dateTime "timestamp", "power")
|> List.pairwise
|> (fun ((t1, _p1), (t0, p0)) -> (t1 - t0).TotalSeconds, p0)
|> List.filter (fun (dt, _p0) -> dt <= 360)
|> List.foldBack (fun (dt, p0) acc -> acc + float(p0) * dt / 3600. ) <| 0.0 // WattHour
User: ETYO
User-ID: 4056
Managed-parks: 220,226,245,270
BNUM-parkid: bnum - name
BNUM-220: 624 - BOUTIN
BNUM-226: 637 - Sterlin
BNUM-245: 677 - Dubar
BNUM-270: 738 - Quesne
624 |> total_energy_consumed |> (fun x -> printfn $"BOUTIN: %.3f{x/1000.} KWh")
637 |> total_energy_consumed |> (fun x -> printfn $"Sterlin: %.3f{x/1000.} KWh")
677 |> total_energy_consumed |> (fun x -> printfn $"Dubar: %.3f{x/1000.} KWh")
738 |> total_energy_consumed |> (fun x -> printfn $"Quesne: %.3f{x/1000.} KWh")
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