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Created September 30, 2024 20:28
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  • Save edwintorok/0fddd73ae1b39dc0eaa8b7c08e4bfb83 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save edwintorok/0fddd73ae1b39dc0eaa8b7c08e4bfb83 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#use "topfind";;
#require "lwt.unix";;
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr1 (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ ->
Printexc.get_callstack 100 |> Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string |> prerr_endline;
flush stderr
$ utop
# require "gg";;
Raised by primitive operation at unknown location
Called from unknown location
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Stdlib__List.exists in file "", line 176, characters 12-15
Called from Fl_topo.Make.let_le in file "", line 191, characters 10-32
Called from Fl_package_base.add_relations.(fun) in file "", line 276, characters 1-37
Called from unknown location
Called from Stdlib__List.iter in file "", line 112, characters 12-15
Called from Fl_package_base.add_all_relations.(fun) in file "", line 305, characters 2-35
Called from unknown location
Called from Stdlib__List.iter in file "", line 112, characters 12-15
Called from Fl_package_base.requires_deeply in file "", line 389, characters 2-35
Called from UTop.require in file "src/lib/", line 773, characters 23-82
Called from UTop.require in file "src/lib/", line 776, characters 4-28
Called from Topcommon.try_run_directive in file "toplevel/", line 356, characters 65-68
Called from Topeval.execute_phrase in file "toplevel/byte/", line 191, characters 6-42
Called from Topeval.execute_phrase in file "toplevel/byte/", lines 193-194, characters 4-13
Called from UTop_main.execute_phrase in file "src/lib/", line 683, characters 12-47
Called from UTop_main.loop in file "src/lib/", line 767, characters 18-49
Called from UTop_main.loop in file "src/lib/", lines 786-795, characters 11-46
Called from UTop_main.main_aux in file "src/lib/", line 1475, characters 8-17
Called from unknown location
Called from UTop_main.main_internal in file "src/lib/", line 1490, characters 4-25
Called from UTop_main.main_internal in file "src/lib/", lines 1492-1504, characters 4-10
Called from Dune__exe__Utop in file "src/top/", line 10, characters 9-26
kill -s USR1 $(pgrep utop)
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