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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save eduardolundgren/9785720 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eduardolundgren/9785720 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Cancellable promise.
* @class CancellablePromise
* @constructor
* @extends {Promise}
* @param {Function} fn A function where to insert the logic that resolves this
* promise. Receives `fulfill` and `reject` functions as parameters. This
* function is called synchronously.
* @param {Function} opt_errorCallback Optional error callback to be fired
* whenever a cancellable promise is cancelled.
function CancellablePromise(fn, opt_errorCallback) {
CancellablePromise.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
this._errorCallback = opt_errorCallback;
A.extend(CancellablePromise, A.Promise, {
* Cancels the Promise by rejecting it with a cancel Error. No action is
* performed if the Promise is already resolved.
* @method cancel
* @param {String} opt_message An optional debugging message for describing
* the cancellation reason.
cancel: function(opt_message) {
var error = new A.CancellablePromise.Error(opt_message);
try {
if (this._errorCallback) {
catch (e) {
then: function() {
var instance = this,
promise = CancellablePromise.superclass.then.apply(this, arguments);
promise.cancel = A.bind(instance.cancel, instance);
return promise;
* Returns a cancellable promise that is resolved or rejected when all values
* are resolved or any is rejected. This is useful for waiting for the
* resolution of multiple promises, such as reading multiple files in Node.js or
* making multiple XHR requests in the browser.
* @method all
* @param {Any[]} values An array of any kind of values, promises or not. If a
* value is not
* @return {CancellablePromise} A promise for an array of all the fulfillment values
* @static
CancellablePromise.all = function(values) {
var CancellablePromise = this,
children = [];
return new CancellablePromise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (!A.Lang.isArray(values)) {
reject(new TypeError('CancellablePromise.all expects an array of values or promises'));
var remaining = values.length,
i = 0,
length = values.length,
results = [],
function oneDone(index) {
return function(value) {
results[index] = value;
if (!remaining) {
if (length < 1) {
return resolve(results);
for (; i < length; i++) {
child = CancellablePromise.resolve(values[i]);
child.then(oneDone(i), reject);
}).then(function(result) {
children = null;
return result;
function(reason) {
A.Array.invoke(children, 'cancel');
children = null;
throw reason;
* Ensures that a certain value is a cancellable promise. If it is not a
* promise, it wraps it in one.
* @method resolve
* @param {Any} Any object that may or may not be a promise
* @return {CancellablePromise}
* @static
CancellablePromise.resolve = A.Promise.resolve;
* A shorthand for creating a rejected cancellable promise.
* @method reject
* @param {Any} reason Reason for the rejection of this promise. Usually an
* Error Object
* @return {CancellablePromise} A rejected promise
* @static
CancellablePromise.reject = A.Promise.reject;
A.CancellablePromise = CancellablePromise;
* Error used as a rejection reason for canceled Promises.
* @class Promise.CancellationError
* @constructor
* @extends {Error}
* @param {String} opt_message An optional debugging message for describing the
* cancellation reason.
function CancellationError(opt_message) {
CancellationError.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
this.message = opt_message;
A.extend(CancellationError, Error, {
name: 'cancel'
A.CancellablePromise.Error = CancellationError;
var delay = function(ms) {
var timeout;
return new Y.CancellablePromise(
function(resolve) {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, ms);
function() {
console.log('Delay cancelled by a CancellationError.');
var all = Y.CancellablePromise.all([delay(3000), delay(4000)]).then(
function() {
console.log('Y.CancellablePromise.all done');
function(reason) {
console.log('Y.CancellablePromise.all rejectd', reason);
throw reason;
var delay = function(ms) {
var timeout;
return new Y.CancellablePromise(function(resolve) {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, ms);
function() {
console.log('delay done');
function(reason) {
if (reason instanceof Y.CancellablePromise.Error) {
console.log('Delay cancelled by a CancellationError.');
throw reason;
var all = Y.CancellablePromise.all([delay(3000), delay(4000)]).then(
function() {
console.log('Y.CancellablePromise.all done');
function(reason) {
console.log('Y.CancellablePromise.all rejectd', reason);
throw reason;
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