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Created October 17, 2011 22:25
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jQuery Mobile Bug Patching

Tips for jQuery Mobile Bug Patching


PHP Web Server

Some common ones:


If you do not have git installed, check these out:

Get the Code

  1. Open a terminal (command prompt)

  2. Change directory (cd) to your web root directory, whatever that might be:

    cd /path/to/your/www/root/

  3. Clone your jQuery Mobile fork to work locally

    git clone [email protected]:username/jquery-mobile.git

  4. Change directory to the newly created dir: jquery-mobile/

    cd jquery-mobile

  5. Add the jQuery Mobile master repo as a remote. "upstream" is a good name for it

    git remote add upstream git://

  6. Get in the habit of pulling in the "upstream" master to stay up to date as jQuery Mobile receives new commits

    git pull upstream master

  7. (Mac/*Nix) Build the jQuery Mobile source


(Windows) You will need someway to build makefiles

Testing Your Checkout

Open the jQuery Mobile test suite in the browser of your choice.

Navigate to http://localhost/jquery-mobile/ or whatever your jQuery Mobile folder is called.

If you see the jQuery Mobile Docs page, then this was a success! You just cloned and built jQuery Mobile!

Patching a Bug

  1. Find a bug you think you can fix from the list at jQuery Mobile Issues

  2. Follow the directions above to checkout a clone of the repository or navigate to your existing checkout

  3. Create a new branch to work in:

    • Always use a branch to work in as working in master will get messy
    • Find the issue number in Github for the bug you want to fix. It will be 4 numbers long.
    • Make sure you start with your up-to-date master
      • git checkout master; git pull upstream master
    • Create and checkout a new branch that includes the ticket (issue_#### where #### is the 4 digit issue number )
      • git checkout -b issue_####
      • This will create a new branch (-b), if it does not exist yet, named issue_#### and then switches you into that branch (checkout)
  4. Open up your favorite text editor and make the changes you want that will fix the issue referenced.

  5. Run the unit tests to confirm that you have not broken anything.

    • Navigate to the http://localhost/jquery-mobile/tests/unit (or whatever your local checkout directory is called.
    • Ensure all tests still pass
    • Edit your code if it causes a test to fail
  6. Commit your changes once you are done editing the files and the tests pass:

    • Stage the files to be tracked:
      • git add filename(s) You can use "git status" to list the files you have changed. I recommend NEVER, EVER using "git add . "
    • Once you have staged all of your changed files, go ahead and commit them:
      • git commit -m "Issue #####: Brief description of fix"
    • Then, push your branch with the bug fix commits to your github fork
      • git push origin -u issue_####
  7. Before you tackle your next bug patch, return to the master:

    • git checkout master
  8. Submit a Pull Request to actually submit your patch:

    • Go to
    • Click the branch switcher on the right and choose the branch that has your patch.
    • Once the branch is loaded, click on "Pull Request". Be sure to include the ticket #### in the subject, along with a brief description.
    • Submit the Pull Request
  9. Congratulations, you just submitted your Patch! Thanks for your help.

Thanks to Rick Waldron for the original gist:

Feel free to add YOUR tips in the comment section below!

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First of all, many thanks for your time @eddiemonge!
I've "advised" my webserver to listen to port 80 too. The test suite works successfully.
I think, this "webserver with non-standard-port let's test-suite crash"-issue has time until post 1.0.
And it seems, it is an external script so may @jeresig take a look at this.
But something else: The test suite show me two errors but i didn't change any file...

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Correction: I've started the test suite a second time and the failures disappear.

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Hi, me again... I've created an issue #2845 to try to pull from my remote clone.
Then i've gone all the steps above and ... shesh ... i had a typo in my brief commit description.
I've decided to delete the remote-branch and have studied the github manual how to do that.
I've tried git branch -D origin/issue_2845 -r and the branch wasn't show anymore with git branch -r
but it was still existing at my online githup repo.
So I've tried git push [email protected]:MauriceG/jquery-mobile :issue_2845 and it had worked.
Then again I've created a branch with the same name but another description as before and pushed it online.
At my online repo now, the branch has the description from my first push.
Is this a github bug or what I've done wrong?

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It might be a GH bug

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