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Erik Ebsen ebsen

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ebsen / Sculpin exception trace
Last active October 8, 2015 21:47
Sculpin exception trace
❯ sculpin generate --server --watch --verbose
Detected new or updated files
Generating: 100% (62 sources / 0.01 seconds)
Converting: 100% (76 sources / 0.25 seconds)
Formatting: 100% (76 sources / 0.08 seconds)
Failed to create /Users/erik/Sites/
ebsen / songs.jade
Created February 8, 2015 20:52
Template to output a series of song lyrics from JSON
h1 Christian Songs for Little Children
h2 Songs
each song in songs
li #{song.title}
each song in songs
h3 #{song.title}
if chorusFirst
ebsen / gruntfile
Created December 27, 2013 17:01
This is the grunt file referred to in [Issue #265 in gruntjs/grunt-contrib-watch](
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
watch: {
ebsen / .bash_profile
Created October 23, 2012 15:10
bash command prompt
export PS1='\e[0:36m\w$\e[m '
ebsen / taskrc.txt
Created October 2, 2012 22:39
# [Created by task 2.1.1 9/4/2012 08:14:52]
# Taskwarrior program configuration file.
# For more documentation, see or try 'man task', 'man task-faq',
# 'man task-tutorial', 'man task-color', 'man task-sync' or 'man taskrc'
# Here is an example of entries that use the default, override and blank values
# variable=foo -- By specifying a value, this overrides the default
# variable= -- By specifying no value, this means no default
# #variable=foo -- By commenting out the line, or deleting it, this uses the default
"if has('gui_running') " Duh.
" set background=light
" set background=dark
ebsen / moveToApplications.txt
Created October 2, 2012 16:54
Move to Applications (Automator Service)
# Service receives selected 'files or folders' in 'Finder'
Get value of variable
Copy finder items
Copy finder items
ebsen / apple-objects
Created September 5, 2012 21:39
When Apple calls Objective-C "object-oriented," they really mean it.
"To retrieve data using a managed object context, you create a fetch request. A fetch request is an object that specifies what data you want, for example..."
ebsen / john3,16.txt
Created March 29, 2012 17:19
Various files for debugging base color of Solarized (light)
# John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.