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Last active May 1, 2021 15:42
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Polymer 0.5: reference an external <template> and use it for data binding
<!--,output -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="import" href="templates.html" id="templates">
<polymer-element name="foo-bar">
<div id="container"></div>
<template if="{{showDefault}}">
default content template
showDefault: true,
attached: function() {
var template = this.querySelector('template');
if (template) {
// Allow Polymer expressions in the template's {{}}.
if (!template.bindingDelegate) {
template.bindingDelegate = this.element.syntax;
var instance = template.createInstance({foo: 5});
this.showDefault = false;
<template ref="layout">
<b>another</b> content template. Also supports data: {{foo}}
<!-- -->
<template id="layout">
layout template from another file! data: {{foo}}
// This import.
var thisDoc = document._currentScript.ownerDocument;
// <template> in this import.
var layoutTemplate = thisDoc.querySelector('#layout');
// Make a clone of the template.
var clone = document.importNode(layoutTemplate, true);
// Add it to the main document for others to use.
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