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Last active May 10, 2021 13:18
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Tweet from Racket
#lang racket
(provide tweet! (struct-out oauth) current-oauth)
(require (only-in racket/random crypto-random-bytes)
(only-in net/uri-codec [uri-unreserved-encode %])
(only-in net/base64 base64-encode))
;; tweet! : String -> JSON
;; Post a tweet!, return JSON response
;; (Included for backwards compatability
(define (tweet! status)
(statuses/update status #:include-entities "true"))
;; Now with ability to call more of API
(struct missing ())
(define-for-syntax (underscore id)
(regexp-replace "-" (symbol->string (syntax->datum id)) "_"))
(define-for-syntax (keyword id)
(string->keyword (symbol->string (syntax->datum id))))
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax))
(define-syntax define/twitter-api
(λ (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(define/twitter-api meth domain name (req ...) (opt ...))
(with-syntax* ([(req_ ...) (map underscore (syntax->list #'(req ...)))]
[(opt# ...) (map keyword (syntax->list #'(opt ...)))]
[(opt_ ...) (map underscore (syntax->list #'(opt ...)))]
[name_ (underscore #'name)]
[url (format "https://~a/1.1/~a.json" (syntax->datum #'domain) (syntax->datum #'name_))]
[(opts ...)
(apply append
(map syntax->list (syntax->list #'((opt# [opt (missing)]) ...))))])
#'(begin (provide name)
(define (name req ... opts ...)
(define params `((req_ ,req) ...
,@(if (missing? opt)
`((opt_ ,opt)))
(twitter-call url 'meth params))))])))
(define-syntax-rule (define/twitter meth domain (name (req ...) (opt ...)) ...)
(begin (define/twitter-api meth domain name (req ...) (opt ...))
(define/twitter POST
() ; xor media media-data is required
(media media-data additional-owners)])
(define/twitter POST
(in-reply-to-status-id auto-populate-reply-metadata exclude-reply-user-ids
attachment-url media-ids possibly-sensitive lat
long place-id display-coordinates trim-user
; not mentioned in API but used in examples
(define/twitter GET
[account/settings () ()]
(include-entities skip-status include-email)]
(user-id screen-name)]
(count since-id max-id trim-user exclude-replies include-entities)]
(count since-id max-id trim-user include-entities)]
(user-id screen-name since-id count max-id trim-user exclude-replies include-rts)])
;; For description, see:
;; en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/authorizing-a-request
(define-struct oauth (consumer-key consumer-sec token token-sec))
(define current-oauth
(oauth (getenv "OAUTH_CONS_KEY")
(getenv "CONS_SEC")
(getenv "OAUTH_TOKEN")
(getenv "OAUTH_TOKEN_SEC"))))
(define ++ string-append)
(define (& s) (apply ++ (add-between s "&")))
(define (twitter-call url get/post params)
(define o (current-oauth))
(define oauth-nonce (nonce))
(define timestamp (number->string (current-seconds)))
(define (encode msg)
(& (map (λ (e) (string-append (first e) "=" (second e)))
(sort (map (λ (e) (list (% (first e)) (% (second e)))) msg)
(λ (elem1 elem2) (string<=? (car elem1) (car elem2)))))))
(define parameter-string
(encode (append params
`(("oauth_consumer_key" ,(oauth-consumer-key o))
("oauth_nonce" ,oauth-nonce)
("oauth_signature_method" "HMAC-SHA1")
("oauth_timestamp" ,timestamp)
("oauth_token" ,(oauth-token o))
("oauth_version" "1.0")))))
(define sig-base-string
(++ (cond [(eq? get/post 'POST) "POST"]
[(eq? get/post 'GET) "GET"])
"&" (% url) "&" (% parameter-string)))
(define signing-key
(++ (% (oauth-consumer-sec o)) "&" (% (oauth-token-sec o))))
(define oauth-signature
(base64-encode (HMAC-SHA1 (string->bytes/utf-8 signing-key)
(string->bytes/utf-8 sig-base-string))
(define header
(list "Accept: */*"
"Connection: close"
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
(++ "Authorization: OAuth "
"oauth_consumer_key=\"" (% (oauth-consumer-key o)) "\", "
"oauth_nonce=\"" oauth-nonce "\", "
"oauth_signature=\"" (% oauth-signature) "\", "
"oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", "
"oauth_timestamp=\"" timestamp "\", "
"oauth_token=\"" (% (oauth-token o)) "\", "
(cond [(eq? get/post 'POST)
(post-pure-port (string->url url)
(string->bytes/utf-8 (params->string params))
[(eq? get/post 'GET)
(get-pure-port (string->url (++ url "?" (params->string params)))
(define (params->string ps)
(& (map (λ (e) (++ (% (first e)) "=" (% (second e))))
;; nonce : -> String
;; Creates 32 bytes of random alphabetic data
(define (nonce)
(define (int->alpha i)
(define a (modulo i 52))
(cond [(<= 0 a 25) (+ a 65)]
[(<= 26 a 52) (+ a 97 -26)])))
(apply string
(map int->alpha
(bytes->list (crypto-random-bytes 32)))))
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