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Last active August 10, 2020 01:50
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from time import sleep
from gpiozero import LED
from ADCDevice import ADS7830
from threading import Thread
red = LED(4)
green = LED(5)
blue = LED(6)
adc = ADS7830()
# ADS7830 is an 8-bit analog-to-digital converter,
# The possible values I can get from the analog input is 0-255.
# Sometimes it reads as 1 when the potentiometer is turned completely down,
# so I'm using min_a_value=1 to set a higher threshold
min_a_value = 1
max_a_value = 255
# a_value will be the value from the analog input
a_value = 0
# I'm using separate threads to handle the analog input and LED outputs
class PThread(Thread):
def run(self):
# a_value is not accessible within thread without using global
global a_value
while True:
a_value = adc.analogRead(0)
class LThread(Thread):
def run(self):
# a_value is not accessible within thread without using global
global a_value
# using c to count 1-100
c = 1
# using x to count 0-5
# LEDs will light up indicating the value of x as shown in this table:
# x | red | grn | blu
# --------------------
# 0 | off | off | on
# 1 | off | on | on
# 2 | on | on | on
# 3 | on | on | off
# 4 | on | off | off
# 5 | off | off | off
x = 0
while True:
# LEDs will not cycle if potentiometer is turned all the way down
if a_value > min_a_value:
# zzz_ms is the number of milliseconds between LED cycles
# possible values are 0-100
zzz_ms = int((1 - (a_value / max_a_value)) * 100)
# setting a minimum of 3ms
if zzz_ms < 3: zzz_ms = 3
# if c divided by zzz_ms has no remainder,
# LEDs will cycle according to the value of x in table above
if c % zzz_ms is 0:
blue.on() if x < 3 else
green.on() if 0 < x < 4 else
red.on() if 1 < x < 5 else
# increment x
x += 1
# reset x counter at 6
if x > 5: x = 0
# increment c
c += 1
# reset c counter at 101
if c > 100: c = 1
# sleep for 1ms
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