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Created September 12, 2022 17:05
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zsh completion fix for lsd v0.23.0
#compdef lsd
autoload -U is-at-least
_lsd() {
typeset -A opt_args
typeset -a _arguments_options
local ret=1
if is-at-least 5.2; then
_arguments_options=(-s -S -C)
_arguments_options=(-s -C)
local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'*--color=[When to use terminal colours]: :(always auto never)' \
'*--icon=[When to print the icons]: :(always auto never)' \
'*--icon-theme=[Whether to use fancy or unicode icons]: :(fancy unicode)' \
'--config-file=[Provide a custom lsd configuration file]:config-file: ' \
'*--depth=[Stop recursing into directories after reaching specified depth]:num: ' \
'*--permission=[How to display permissions]: :(rwx octal)' \
'*--size=[How to display size]: :(default short bytes)' \
'*--date=[How to display date \[possible values: date, relative, +date-time-format\]]: : ' \
'*--sort=[sort by WORD instead of name]:WORD:(size time version extension none)' \
'*--group-dirs=[Sort the directories then the files]: :(none first last)' \
'*--blocks=[Specify the blocks that will be displayed and in what order]: :(permission user group context size date name inode links)' \
'*-I+[Do not display files/directories with names matching the glob pattern(s). More than one can be specified by repeating the argument]:pattern: ' \
'*--ignore-glob=[Do not display files/directories with names matching the glob pattern(s). More than one can be specified by repeating the argument]:pattern: ' \
'*--hyperlink=[Attach hyperlink to filenames]: :(always auto never)' \
'--help[Print help information]' \
'-V[Print version information]' \
'--version[Print version information]' \
'*-a[Do not ignore entries starting with .]' \
'*--all[Do not ignore entries starting with .]' \
'*-A[Do not list implied . and ..]' \
'*--almost-all[Do not list implied . and ..]' \
'*-F[Append indicator (one of */=>@|) at the end of the file names]' \
'*--classify[Append indicator (one of */=>@|) at the end of the file names]' \
'*-l[Display extended file metadata as a table]' \
'*--long[Display extended file metadata as a table]' \
'--ignore-config[Ignore the configuration file]' \
'*-1[Display one entry per line]' \
'*--oneline[Display one entry per line]' \
'(--tree)*-R[Recurse into directories]' \
'(--tree)*--recursive[Recurse into directories]' \
'*-h[For ls compatibility purposes ONLY, currently set by default]' \
'*--human-readable[For ls compatibility purposes ONLY, currently set by default]' \
'(-R --recursive)*--tree[Recurse into directories and present the result as a tree]' \
'(--depth -R --recursive)-d[Display directories themselves, and not their contents (recursively when used with --tree)]' \
'(--depth -R --recursive)--directory-only[Display directories themselves, and not their contents (recursively when used with --tree)]' \
'*--total-size[Display the total size of directories]' \
'*-t[Sort by time modified]' \
'*--timesort[Sort by time modified]' \
'*-S[Sort by size]' \
'*--sizesort[Sort by size]' \
'*-X[Sort by file extension]' \
'*--extensionsort[Sort by file extension]' \
'*-v[Natural sort of (version) numbers within text]' \
'*--versionsort[Natural sort of (version) numbers within text]' \
'*-U[Do not sort. List entries in directory order]' \
'*--no-sort[Do not sort. List entries in directory order]' \
'*-r[Reverse the order of the sort]' \
'*--reverse[Reverse the order of the sort]' \
'--group-directories-first[Groups the directories at the top before the files. Same as --group-dirs=first]' \
'--classic[Enable classic mode (display output similar to ls)]' \
'*--no-symlink[Do not display symlink target]' \
'*-i[Display the index number of each file]' \
'*--inode[Display the index number of each file]' \
'*-L[When showing file information for a symbolic link, show information for the file the link references rather than for the link itself]' \
'*--dereference[When showing file information for a symbolic link, show information for the file the link references rather than for the link itself]' \
'-Z[Print security context (label) of each file]' \
'--context[Print security context (label) of each file]' \
'--header[Display block headers]' \
'*::FILE:_files' \
&& ret=0
(( $+functions[_lsd_commands] )) ||
_lsd_commands() {
local commands; commands=()
_describe -t commands 'lsd commands' commands "$@"
_lsd "$@"
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duhdugg commented Sep 12, 2022

Quick fix for #385 and #740 on lsd v0.23.0 prior to the next release.


Place the _lsd file above in a directory that is in your FPATH.

Personally, I have no problem just replacing the package-manager installed file (/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_lsd on Arch) so that it will be replaced on the next update, including any other changes that may come along the way.

You could also do something like this in your ~/.zshrc:

fpath=("$HOME/.zfunctions" $fpath)

Then place the _lsd file above in the ~/.zfunctions directory.

The downside to this second approach is that you will need to remember to delete this after the next release. Otherwise, you will not get all of the correct completions as new options are added.

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