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Last active May 23, 2022 16:44
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Filter code to process an RSS Trigger into a Webhook to micropub via IFTTT
// The title is of the form "Movie Name, YYYY - ★★"
let varEntryTitle = 'Jurassic Park III, 2001 - ★★★'
// This is the URL for the user's review
let varEntryUrl = ''
// Entry content
let varEntryContent ='<p><img src=""/></p> <p>Fine.</p>'
// Find the final dash to separate the movie title from the star rating
let varDashIndex = varEntryTitle.lastIndexOf('-')
// This is the star rating
let varRating = varEntryTitle.substring(varDashIndex+2)
// This is the movie title
let varTitle = varEntryTitle.substring(0,varDashIndex-1)
// remove username from the review URL to get the movie url - assume username allows 0-9, a-z, - and _.
const reg = /(?<=https:\/\/letterboxd\.com\/)[a-z-_]*\/(?=film\/.*)/
// This is the URL for the movie on Letterboxd
let varMovieURL = varEntryUrl.replace(reg,'')
// Update the content a bit
let varHTMLContent = varEntryContent.concat('<br>',varRating,'<br><a href="',varEntryUrl,'">My review</a>')
varHTMLContent = varHTMLContent.replace('"','\"')
let varJSONBody = ''.concat('{"type": ["h-entry"],"properties": {"content": [{ "html": "',varHTMLContent,'"}],"watch-of": ["',varMovieURL,'"]}}')
//MakerWebhooks.makeWebRequest.setBody('{ "type": ["h-entry"], "properties": { "content": ["Micropub test of creating an h-entry with a JSON request via IFTTT"] } }')
MakerWebhooks.makeWebRequest.setBody('{ "type": ["h-entry"], "properties": { "content": [{"html":"<p>Micropub test of creating an h-entry with a JSON request via IFTTT</p><br>}] } }')
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