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Forked from pavlin-policar/
Created April 12, 2020 11:30
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Python implementation of max heap/priority queue
class MaxHeap:
def __init__(self, collection=None):
self._heap = []
if collection is not None:
for el in collection:
def push(self, value):
_sift_up(self._heap, len(self) - 1)
def pop(self):
_swap(self._heap, len(self) - 1, 0)
el = self._heap.pop()
_sift_down(self._heap, 0)
return el
def __len__(self):
return len(self._heap)
def print(self, idx=1, indent=0):
print("\t" * indent, f"{self._heap[idx - 1]}")
left, right = 2 * idx, 2 * idx + 1
if left <= len(self):
self.print(left, indent=indent + 1)
if right <= len(self):
self.print(right, indent=indent + 1)
def _swap(L, i, j):
L[i], L[j] = L[j], L[i]
def _sift_up(heap, idx):
parent_idx = (idx - 1) // 2
# If we've hit the root node, there's nothing left to do
if parent_idx < 0:
# If the current node is larger than the parent node, swap them
if heap[idx] > heap[parent_idx]:
_swap(heap, idx, parent_idx)
_sift_up(heap, parent_idx)
def _sift_down(heap, idx):
child_idx = 2 * idx + 1
# If we've hit the end of the heap, there's nothing left to do
if child_idx >= len(heap):
# If the node has a both children, swap with the larger one
if child_idx + 1 < len(heap) and heap[child_idx] < heap[child_idx + 1]:
child_idx += 1
# If the child node is smaller than the current node, swap them
if heap[child_idx] > heap[idx]:
_swap(heap, child_idx, idx)
_sift_down(heap, child_idx)
def heap_sort(collection):
heap = MaxHeap(collection)
sorted_arr = []
while len(heap) > 0:
return sorted_arr
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