July 21, 2008 02:57
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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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export COLOR_NC='\e[0m' # No Color | |
export COLOR_WHITE='\e[1;37m' | |
export COLOR_BLACK='\e[0;30m' | |
export COLOR_BLUE='\e[0;34m' | |
export COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE='\e[1;34m' | |
export COLOR_GREEN='\e[0;32m' | |
export COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN='\e[1;32m' | |
export COLOR_CYAN='\e[0;36m' | |
export COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN='\e[1;36m' | |
export COLOR_RED='\e[0;31m' | |
export COLOR_LIGHT_RED='\e[1;31m' | |
export COLOR_PURPLE='\e[0;35m' | |
export COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE='\e[1;35m' | |
export COLOR_BROWN='\e[0;33m' | |
export COLOR_YELLOW='\e[1;33m' | |
export COLOR_GRAY='\e[0;30m' | |
export COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY='\e[0;37m' | |
alias colorslist="set | egrep 'COLOR_\w*'" # lists all the colors | |
export PS1='\h:\W \u$(__git_ps1 " \[${COLOR_RED}\](%s)\[${COLOR_NC}\]")\$ ' | |
export TERM=xterm-color | |
export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto' GREP_COLOR='1;32' | |
export CLICOLOR=1 | |
export EDITOR='mate -w' | |
# sets title of window to be user@host | |
export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*} ${PWD}"; echo -ne "\007"' | |
alias ls='ls -G' | |
alias ll='ls -lah' | |
alias ..='cd ..;' # can then do .. .. .. to move up multiple directories. | |
alias ...='.. ..' | |
alias g='grep -i' #case insensitive grep | |
alias ducks='du -cks * | sort -rn|head -11' # Lists the size of all the folders$ | |
alias top='top -o cpu' | |
alias systail='tail -f /var/log/system.log' | |
# useful command to find what you should be aliasing: | |
alias profileme="history | awk '{print \$2}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS=\"|\"}{print \$1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 20 | sort -nr" | |
# rails stuff | |
alias rlog='tail -f -0 ./log/*.log' | |
alias ss='ruby ./script/server' | |
alias sc='ruby ./script/console' | |
# git stuff | |
alias gi='git init' | |
alias ga='git add .' | |
alias gc='git commit -m' | |
alias gac='git commit -a -m' | |
alias gps='git push origin master' | |
alias gpl='git pull origin master' | |
# Gem Doc | |
export GEMDIR=`gem env gemdir` | |
gemdoc() { | |
open $GEMDIR/doc/`$(which ls) $GEMDIR/doc | grep $1 | sort | tail -1`/rdoc/index.html | |
} | |
_gemdocomplete() { | |
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(`which ls` $GEMDIR/doc)' -- ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]})) | |
return 0 | |
} | |
complete -o default -o nospace -F _gemdocomplete gemdoc | |
# readline settings | |
bind "set completion-ignore-case on" | |
bind "set bell-style none" # No bell, because it's damn annoying | |
bind "set show-all-if-ambiguous On" # this allows you to automatically show completion without double tab-ing | |
# Turn on advanced bash completion if the file exists (get it here: | |
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then | |
. /etc/bash_completion | |
fi | |
if [ ! -f ~/.dirs ]; then | |
touch ~/.dirs | |
fi | |
alias show='cat ~/.dirs' | |
save (){ | |
command sed "/!$/d" ~/.dirs > ~/.dirs1; \mv ~/.dirs1 ~/.dirs; echo "$@"=\"`pwd`\" >> ~/.dirs; source ~/.dirs ; | |
} | |
source ~/.dirs # Initialization for the above 'save' facility: source the .sdirs file | |
shopt -s cdable_vars # set the bash option so that no '$' is required when using the above facility | |
# history (bigger size, no duplicates, always append): | |
export HISTCONTROL=erasedups | |
export HISTSIZE=10000 | |
shopt -s histappend | |
alias h='history|g' | |
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