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Last active July 4, 2020 20:37
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(import (for-syntax :drewc/gsf/glib) :std/foreign
:drewc/gsf/glib :std/srfi/13)
(export read-bytes-from-input input-tell input-seek input-byte-position)
(begin-glib-ffi (read-bytes-from-input input-tell input-seek G_SEEK_SET G_SEEK_CURR G_SEEK_END)
(c-declare #<<END-C
#include <gsf/gsf.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
(define-c-GObject GsfInput (GsfInfile))
(define-c-GObject GsfInfile (GsfInput))
(c-define (write-unsigned-int8 int port) (unsigned-int8 scheme-object)
void "write_u8" "static"
(write-u8 int port)
(c-declare #<<END-C
guint64 scm_read_bytes_from_input(GsfInput *input, size_t n, ___SCMOBJ port) {
guint8 const *data;
guint64 count = 0;
size_t i;
gsf_off_t start_offset, remaining;
start_offset = gsf_input_tell (input);
remaining = gsf_input_remaining (input);
n = (n > remaining) ? remaining : n;
if (NULL == (data = gsf_input_read (input, n, NULL))) {
g_warning("Error reading from input: gsf_input_read = NULL");
gsf_input_read (input, 0, NULL);
gsf_input_seek (input, start_offset, G_SEEK_SET);
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
write_u8 (*(data + i), port);
gsf_input_read (input, 0, NULL);
return count;
(define input-tell (c-lambda (GsfInput*) unsigned-int64 "gsf_input_tell"))
(define input-seek
(c-lambda (GsfInput* size_t int) bool
;; enum GSeekType
;; An enumeration specifying the base position for a g_io_channel_seek_position() operation.
;; Members
;; G_SEEK_CUR the current position in the file.
;; G_SEEK_SET the start of the file.
;; G_SEEK_END the end of the file.
(define-const G_SEEK_CUR)
(define-const G_SEEK_SET)
(define-const G_SEEK_END)
(define read-bytes-from-input
(c-lambda (GsfInput* size_t scheme-object) unsigned-int64
;; When called with a single argument these procedures return the byte position
;; where the next I/O operation would take place in the file attached to the
;; given port (relative to the beginning of the file).
;; When called with two or three arguments, the byte position for subsequent I/O
;; operations on the given port is changed to position, which must be an exact
;; integer.
;; When whence is omitted or is 0, the position is relative to the beginning of
;; the file.
;; When whence is 1, the position is relative to the current byte position of
;; the file.
;; When whence is 2, the position is relative to the end of the file. The return
;; value is the new byte position.
;; On most operating systems the byte position for reading and writing of a
;; given bidirectional port are the same. -
;; --
(def (input-byte-position input (position #f) (whence #f))
(def whence-alist `((0 . ,G_SEEK_SET)
(1 . ,G_SEEK_CURR)
(2 . ,G_SEEK_END)))
(let (whence (if (not whence) G_SEEK_SET (assget whence-alist whence)))
(if (not position) (input-tell input)
(begin (input-seek input position whence)
(input-tell input)))))
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