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Last active February 6, 2021 22:24
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MacUpdater2 Unlimited Scans bypass script
MacUpdater 2 unlimited scans bypass --- by dreamwhite
Program functioning: python3
How does it work?
If you give a look at MAC_UPDATER_PLIST_PATH there's an array called "LastFullScans"
which contains the timestamps of the last three full-scans. If you exceed three full-scans
the program raises an error and you should wait 24h for unlocking only one full-scan.
The same logic applies for Usages variable hehe
This script basically empties the above array and let you do unlimited scans.
import plistlib
import os
MAC_UPDATER_PLIST_PATH = f"""{os.environ["HOME"]}/Library/Preferences/com.corecode.MacUpdater.plist"""
with open(MAC_UPDATER_PLIST_PATH, "rb") as f:
pl = plistlib.load(f)
pl["LastFullScans"] = []
pl["Usages2"] = -69410
patched_plist = open(MAC_UPDATER_PLIST_PATH, "wb")
plistlib.dump(pl, patched_plist)
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mmmmmmh 69420 nice

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