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David Prothero dprothero

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  1. Decide on a subdomain to use with ngrok. This makes the whole process easier.
  2. Open up a Command Prompt in Administrator mode and run the following command to register the URL with HTTP.sys replacing "modernie" with your subdomain and ##### with your VisualStudio/IISExpress application's port.
netsh http add urlacl url= user=everyone
  1. Edit your applicationhost.config. The easiest way to is start up the site and right-click the IISExpress icon in the System Tray. Click "Show All Applications" and select your website running at localhost:#####. Click the path next to "Config" to open the file in an editor.
  2. Search for you site's <bindings> configuration. The easiest way is to search for *:#####:localhost, which should bring you to the <bindings> section for your site. Edit them to include the following: